Apr 11, 2005 22:18
day was iighhtttt..in the morning we had like a pop re-test in spanish but it was multiple choice and pretty easy and she said shes taking the best of our 2 test grades so i basically got nothing to lose =)..in drama mr williamsen saw me eating so he made me stand next to him for the rest of the period and he says the weirdest shit to me i sware he has a crush on me. lol. jp..i hope..well in math we had the review and i have to go study for the test tomorrow..in science UGH i hate ch 18 with a passion..in history had an easy test and i just got home from basketball a lil while ago..watched summerland finale ♥ !! and just got out of the shower..ttyl
♥ stephi
♥ Jesse McCartney ♥