there's a dinasour in my garage

Apr 04, 2006 23:27

so i have goals. i have things i want to do before i leave. i have people i want to get to know before i go. i have so much that sometimes it becomes overwhelming. i have wants. i have needs. and i'm trying not to be ... who people expect me to be sometimes.

i'm going to try to not talk about lesley as often as i do. and try not to think about boston as much as everybody can tell i do. i'm going to learn how to interact with a diverse population at poland. i think i partially do that, but of course i could be much better at it.

i can't wait for the class trip, for prom, for seniors week. it's all coming up so fast and i don't know what to do. i would like a date to prom, but i guess in the long run it isn't going to kill my spirit. and the class trip, i dunno who i want to go wrafting with, but it's so confusing cause i want to do everything with everyone (that's kind of a like an everclear song ... mean everything to everyone, father of mine?) yeah you get the point haha.

i still have to work on my grades but i'm more worried about my senior celebration and my collegiate studies paper. i am not skilled at writing papers, and it's apparently easy to tell. tomorrow i have to have three people grade or judge it. i'm screwed ... how sad. whutever i guess.

umm, walking the track with danni at 9 at night is pretty much halarious and finding big blue mats to jump on an then lounge on is pretty much sweet, and wishing other people showed up sometimes is a plus, sometimes not so much since they never dooo.

hmmm, father of mine, rats i have that song stuck in my head. please get out of my head song. please.

i think i should go study for senior english, vocab exam? i really need to get a DS on it. i need a DS in that class, i know i can do it.

later kids,
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