Oct 29, 2006 01:02
Hey Guys, I know I'm behind everyone...but I thought I'd do a my 405 review.
Nathan-Minus the first scenes with his response to Haley's news about being pregant I thought James did an awesome job. I admit I was a tad worried when he got the phone call from Rachel right after the "I'm pregant" but it turned out alright. That line about "not a chance" to Rachel was great. His hair looked awesome everything about him was awesome. Those last two scenes of his were awesome the press confrence and talking to Haley, some of the best writing for him. Though how he could let Dan inside his head again I don't know. Too last season for me. But James did great.
Haley- Joy is great at doing emotional stuff, that's why her just blurting out the pregancy wasn't geniune enough for me. But the rest was, she did great I loved the cute scene with her and Karen. Especially happy that went well because there were spoliers that Karen was mean about the pregancy. Joy did a great job, she really put Nathan in his place :)
Derek/Peyton/Lucas-that whole sequence felt like a horror film the twisty staircase shot, the taser the pictures, it was a great/disgusting sequence. I hope they never bring stalker Derek back though. haha as soon as the police said they got him i knew it was going to be the "real" derek that was cool of him to come help out they woiuld have died otherwise. It will be interesting to see the new Derek with Peyton
Brooke/Nick-It's going to be a funny storyline eventually, kind of overplayed but right now it was just silly.
Dan- Why the heck would haley come to him? and then he was really nice and then a told tool! ahhThough i loved the bible quote on the wall that Whitey saw that was awesome. I can't wait to find out who saw him, or maybe he was hullocinating whitey too. haha
Deb-I couldn't believe that she couldn't even make it to the speech for Nathan, is that so much to ask, she was annoying and did you see those directors cuts i think mark just those for fun cause their totally stupid
Rachel-I'll admit I'm so glad her and Nathan are finally done with that stupid nonrelationship!!!! But she actually seemed geniune this episode, maybe we'll see a new side of her. Though that doesn't mean I don't still hate her.
In other news, I went to The Fray concert with a couple of friends in the city last night for my bday which was awesome, even though we were like the oldest people there at least 80$% of the crowd was like 15,16 but whatever, I really like their music so it was fun to see them live. But then we missed the last train back to school. Stupid train only runs tell 12 stupid. So we had to take a cab which was 30 dollars, which would be a bitch, by myself but luckily I was with 3 people so it wasn't too bad. Anyway, hope to catch up on fanfourm this week with no midterms and no OTH lol.
Oh and its like 2 in the morning and there are crazy drunk people in my halloway joy! No one at school is going to do anything for my bday they'll probably forget at least my friends at home called me close to midnight to wish me Happy Bday! That made me happy!