Jul 07, 2005 14:24
This latest incident just goes to show that we need to stand up as a nation and stand hand in hand with other nations, regardless of past differences and past wars, to battle terrorism together. It will be a never ending battle if it is just one on one. We need to stand up and stop all of the prejudices and fight for our worlds people. We Americans should know how the Londoner's feel, for we were in that postition only 4 years ago. The only difference being that we got hit alot harder. I want this to be over. I don't want my daughter and my future children growing up in a world where they are afraid that just walking to school or going to work they might be killed. It's time for the maddness to stop.
The maddness will NOT stop until Al-Quida is extinquished from this world. Many people fail to realize that what is evil in our eyes, is saintly (for lack of a better word) in their eyes. They believe that if they do this they will go to heaven. And that it is all done in the name of Allah. This is why extremists in ANY religion is a VERY bad thing. And there is NOT just muslim extremeists. They are Christian, Jewish, almost every religion has their own extremeists.
Bush needs to make amends with countries he's started problems with so we can all come together and make our world a truly better place!
This is made public on purpose, anyone who comes accross my journal I invite to share your opinion. As long as it is NOT pro-terrorism it will Not be bashed but accepted very friendly.