
May 14, 2009 23:26


Comment to this entry and I’ll pick three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions
1.What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2.Do you think you’ll stay in this fandom eventually or move on?
3.Favorite episodes/books/novels/etc.?
4.Do you participate in this fandom (fanfictions, graphics, discussions)?
5.Do you think more people should get into this fandom?


1. I actually just started reading these last year and I'm kind of an addict now. I can safely say that I knew quite a bit about them and what they were about before I actually became part of the wonderful madness. And let's face, Gaiman... That said. I must thank Nate and several other people for being all 'lol why aren't you a comic book nerd yet'. I am without doubt a fan now. I love them. I'm addicted to characters and the story and the whole idea. I have always been fascinated with dreams and nightmares and the way people's minds work, and this just plays into all of it.

2. I think I'll always be a fan. The best thing a person can ever do is pass on stories, stories that touch and change people. The best thing a person can do is use their voice, whatever that voice is, to make people think, or to make them feel something. That's why I love these books, and that is always going to be a fact so I think I will always be a Sandman fangirl.

3. Oh hmmm. This is hard. I really like the first ones, because I like how everything is set up. I like the explanations and the histories of the characters and how the story is laid out. It's like the first steps on a journey, when everything is new and exciting. Not that the later ones are less exciting or interesting... Just that it was so much fun to dive into the story, not really knowing what to expect out of graphic novels before reading the first one. So I'll always tie the first couple books in the series to that sense of discovery.

4. I have... talked about Sandman to other friends who already read/have read Sandman. I don't have any fan art or fiction.

5. I think everyone who likes Gaiman or graphic novels, and especially everyone who likes both, should read these. Being a fan of stories is always fun. I also enjoy getting my friends into things that I like. So, yes I think all my friends should become mad Sandman fanatics.

Harry Potter

1. I was one of the original caught in the hype kids. I actually resisted for a bit, thinking that maybe I was somehow cooler for not reading the book that everyone else was. But I caved. I love them now, obviously. I think my favorite Hpot memory was when Mar and I's fathers went to a bookstore at midnight to buy the 4th one for each of us. Her brother wanted to read it and claimed, and probably would have, that he'd finish it by the morning. But we both hid them under our pillows when we went to bed so we could finish it first.

2. I don't know that it will always be a MAJOR part of my life. It will always be something that was important in my growing up and something that definitely contributed to my avid interest in writing today. It has also had an impact on the development of my own original characters and will probably play a pretty lasting lurking role in all my future endeavors in writing.

3. The 3rd book is my favorite. I know a lot of people say the first one just because it was the first one and it left that first impression. But I love the 3rd. My copy is literally falling apart, I've read it so many times. Second place would be taken by the 5th book, even though my favorite character meets his end.

4. YES. Well. I have been in many non-cannon writing communities... I've also been told I write a pretty mean Remus Lupin when push comes to shove. I love the Marauders... I have actually drawn some hpot related stuff... but none of it will ever ever see the light of day. Ever. -raises a brow-

5. I know that this is a pretty popular and far reaching fandom, and that at first there was a big Twilight vs. Hpot... war... sort of thing. But there is really no comparison between the two. This new mindless generation of kids and young adults should most definitely get into Harry Potter. Not because I feel there's a sense of morals and right and wrong and good vs. evil and love conquers all or any of that speculative bullshit. But just because I believe the world needs stories and creativity and something to hang onto when life goes down the toilet. And Harry Potter will always give that. It's current AND inventive and turns even mundane little things into something special.


1. Ohhhhh Labyrinth. I can't even remember the first time I watched this movie. All I know is that I've had a crush on David Bowie since I was rather small because of this movie. Figures you'd give me this one. XD. Anyway. Yes. Longgg time fan of Bowie in spandex. Probably have had Labyrinth related nightmares... But let's face it, Fantasia gave me nightmares for a while. And not because of living brooms drowning Mikey, or bug monsters and loud music. I was horrified of the conductor... Moving on....

2. I can safely say that I have been a Labyrinth fan for over a decade and I'm still a bit on the melty addicted side. So I assume that I will always be a Labyrinth fan. If I have anything do do with it anyway. As long as I still need a place to run to on occasion where David Bowie can rule the world and Escher drawings can come to live and become an awesome amazing adventure, I'll be a Labyrinth fan. I assume life will never be perfect, and imagine that if I ever live to be old, I will be watching it in the nursing home and being yelled at by various younger people who have no idea what they're missing.

3. N/A ?

4. I have spread the Labyrinth joy to other people in my life, but I have never written or drawn Labyrinth related fandom.

5. OBVIOUSLY. Everyone should go out and watch it right now. Seriously, why are you still reading this?

meme, harry potter, sandman, labyrinth

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