I may have discovered my Michelle mocha. From the start there's a nuance in the communication that sets it apart yet feels natural nonetheless (requesting a "chocolate soy latte", the menu here being concise and discrete). The beverage itself is neither blast of flavor, of dessert-caliber sweetness, nor gradually more bitter with consumption; but balanced in taste and aroma, and comforting without misleading. You have to pay attention, but you can get everything from this one you could get more directly and less subtly from another. (I can't even tell if the chocolate was powder or syrup.) This is a mocha i could stick with for a while.
As though i needed another reminder, my multidegree practice this morning reiterated the consequences of neglecting a single term in a delicate calculation. If you're of the variety (pun intended) that enjoys hyperplane intersections, find the (x,y)-row-graded multidegree (lowest-order terms) from the variety in M2,6 cut out by the determinantal equations Δ12, Δ13, Δ23, Δ15+Δ42, Δ16+Δ43, and Δ26+Δ53 (indexed by column subsets 'cause, well, "2 choose 2" ain't much choice of row subset). (The answer is x4+2x3y+3x2y2+2xy3+y4. For a while i'd misplaced an x2y2, which left my decomposition mysteriously without an s22.)
Crap, i'm gonna be late for the last class of the semester! . . . that i'm not technically enrolled in, or paying for, or getting credit for . . . and for most practical purposes may as well not participate in. . . .
Crap, now i'm really gonna be late!