Jun 15, 2004 16:05
FUCK! i can't believe it i lost the election. i didn't get vice, i got nothing. well melissa lee won vice so i'm happy for her, at least someone i don't like didn't get it. Nicole dama got fucking president- only because she bribbed everyone with lollipops.
-yawn- last night i went to the mall to find a dress for the dance & i tried on every dress in h&m. i couldn't find anything at mandees or anywhere. so i got this dress that i like from h&m. now i need to find a skirt for the moving up day ceremony.
yes- tonight i'm getting my hair done with my cousin.. actually i don't know if i'm gonna gte my hair highlighted or anything but i know i'm gonna get it cut or somehting.
that science final today was a piece of cheesecake