i finally made my friends cut, lol.
first of all, i took off some old usernames of people who got new journals and they are:
crashestemptatiionz ivers0n3pinky_808i still have your new journals added though, no worries :] but please take me off your friends list on your old journals
and these are the people i took off cause they didnt comment saying they wanted to stay on:
acceptamusinghardyzgurl143so yep, please take me off too
and i have 62 people that have me added as friend, but i only have 36 of them listed as friends. so will these people please take me off?:
_diminishbabiblueizbunnyiconscotton_candidaydreamable ecztacyemoskankghettobooty856lilkathylyl_flacaplatinumbabii05tiinyunlabled withoutascreamxbo0biesxxclusivexinsomniaxoxveronicaxoxi realise that most of you were from
exotics friends list, but dont you know by now that she doesnt use this journal anymore? sorry if i sound like a bitch, this just gets really annoying :\
oh and thanks to the people that commented saying they wanted to stay on, each and every one of you will be staying :] <3