Feb 04, 2004 19:50
s0o0o yeh i havent updated in a while so theres lots to talk about lol . .
MondaI . .
* i got pissed at my spanish teacher cuz everthing has to b perfect and she finds wais to take off of ur test for no reason i think its soo stupid!
* it was a normal mondai blahh!
TuesDAi . .
* S0o `DAnielLa` and i went into school at 7`30 to take the Drivers eD teSt and i passed with a 90 lol thank god cuz i was gunna b mad if i failed . . . but, DAnielLa Failed :( if here to help u studie dnt worri you will pass it!!
* in science `Kim` and i were talkin about the lab hand out we got and she goes Jenn wha is this i go omg it looks like a DIck lol we were crackin up lol lmao
WednesDai . .
* it was kinda boring
* `Dez` was out todai cuz she went to go visit her uncle in the hospital
* then i get home and i have to type my final draft to my compostition and i was getting pissed off cuz the kids editing my paper total fcked it up and all they wrote was add more and i dnt wanna get introuble for changing the paragraph cuz she said either u stick with that u had or u use wha they had and all they did was cross out the paragraph and write Refusal to go to court like omg wha a great help lol lmao
* next thing i no my mom told meh `Dez` was on the fone lol ahh good old DeZ to save meh and she said "Jenn my uncle" and my heart stopped i realli thought it was bad news cuz my night wasnt going so well but she said "Jenn my uncle is coming home from the hospital" i was like omg it was the news i wnted to hear! so hes gunna b staying at her house for a lil while so we talked on the fone and i was tellin her about my paper lol then her uncle arrived so she was guna go help lol.. Dez im here if u need meh xox
** Newlyweds Tonite . . 10 pm . . . Mtv . . WATCH IT!