(no subject)

May 31, 2005 15:14

hey well ive decided to continue with this.. i thought maybe i would just stop and well i havent had time lately.. ive been trying to catch up on work for school cause of my stupid headaches which happen to be from the accident way back when in november and whatever...

any ways.. hmm what has gone onn ..

spring convention 'o5 was absolutely amazing.. not the best convention but the people you know whats better than the ppl in cvr? even though some people decide to come with mono - i love you and some dont even know how to play follow the leader

ethan and i are better and talking.. =) i dont know if i mentioned that we were in a fight but yes we were..

umm im not vice for LeVine.. excited? i soo am and its gunna be one amazing year despite what people say

the boys lacrosse season is sadly over..

soo camp is really soon and im excited cause its my life times 9237482734 and the only thing that sucks is my ilana isnt in yet but she will be.. ps illy thanks for calling me back at 3 am..((you forgot =( ))

after campp - florida for two weeks with jul and misha and then coming back and im volunteering at pilot pen =) and then im going to byachad and whatever and probably massachusettes and then starting hamden hall ..new school yay..

only like 12 days left of real school...all my camp friends/ florida friends and everyone else in the world is done with school but anyways... then finals and one day i dont have finals soo really only 15 for me =)

umm alot is going on .. im going to see rent again this weekend =) for the millionth time with julie =) yay

and i guess ive done a few things recently that i could ish regret or feel bad about idk.. we'll see in the long run..

but over all nothings been too bad.. i have soo much make up for school. but i went my first full week in the longest time last week =) arent you proud i think since like november

well i love you.. and im totally back on this every day.. or everyother.. lets try a few times a week.. ahh wahtever.. we'll see..

ps elissa and i had our 3 month on saturday =) yay

and i really still want to go bowling! soo anyone up for bowling this weekend? <33
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