Aug 03, 2004 10:17
ugh..i get my braces on today @ 310 :(..but its ok cuz cheerleading practice was cancelled for tonight so i wont have 2 go while my teeth r hurting lol internet was down all day yesterday so i couldnt get on 2 update last night so heres what happened:
i woke up at 1030-11ish n i felt like SHIT seriously my head n throat were killing me n it was SO flippin hot outside..n around 1130-12ish kim calls n asks if i want 2 come over n i was like hmm ill have 2 think bout this i hang up n i go find my mom n im like mom kim wants 2 kno if i can come over cuz a buncha ppl r gonna be over there n my moms like NO u dont feel good n u have cheerleading @ 4 i call kim back n i say i cant n i'll hang out w/her later n shes like ok so we hang up...n then i have nothing else 2 do so i got out my tanning oil n tanned for about 3 hours..n then around 310-315 i got dressed n ready for practice n at 330 my mom drove me 2 practice n it started at 4(till 630) n we got TONS done..we did jumps, stunting, formations, and conditioning..n while we were running our laps ross, ethan, andrew, neil, and josh were up above running on the track up there for football n our coach was like NO talking 2 the boys n so they were like throwing bouncy balls(?) down 2 us n yellin stuff 2 us but we couldnt yea we got out of practice at 640ish n everyone was like dead tired..n i got home n i made myself something 2 eat, i watched tv, n i went 2 bed around 1130..n now im awake lol
sooo yea that was my wonderful boring day yesterday n right now my back is in SOO much pain cuz of stunting lol n my teeth will be in SOO much pain come 310 lol but yea ill write more tomorrow luv yaz xoxo