Nov 26, 2009 02:49
It's 2:15 am, but I won't be able to sleep until I get this off my chest: Happy Thanksgiving!
While I have the time, because I surely won't tomorrow, I wanted to give thanks for stuff that, 364 days per year, I take for granted. I'm thankful that I can afford to go to college without taking out loans. I'm grateful to my friends for sticking by me, despite the drama and the fact that I speak like a seven year old when I'm frustrated. I'm even thankful for my parents who, although they're still separated, have never lost sight of loving their children more than they dislike each other. I'm grateful that I've finally found a possible career. I'm grateful for everything, even the bad stuff. Where there's life, there's hope, and I have a lot of hope.
My dreams may be bigger than this small town, but I'll never forget where I come from and the fabulous people I met along the way.
So, here's to you, my fab friends for helping me remember my blessings the other 364 days per year!
What are YOU thankful for?