Forgive but don't forget!

Jan 05, 2006 16:53

As i looked back at the past year and try to think of what has changed and i definitely have to say i did! i have gone through so much crazy crazy CRAZY stuff last year and to think that i came out of it all with a smile. I grew further away from some people i wish i didn't but closer to so many people who i couldn't live without! I don't know if i can say i regret anything. There are those things that you wish you could turn back time but it doesn't mean i regret the outcome. Boy oh boy did i party this year and there wasn't really any drama involving me.... I really didn't think that the year was going to turn out good starting with the whole breaking my own heart cuz of rumors that turned true, hooking up with the ex b/f, my car accident, etc then to all the good things, my vacation and new truck, to a ton of new friends and all the newcomers to my family etc. My job is going good (its a job right?) I have been getting good grades in all of my classes. I am going somewhere with my life and who knows what tomorrow will bring all i have to say is that it better be good!
with lots of love to all ya'll
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