(no subject)

Dec 21, 2007 10:01

1. If you were a dragon, what would your name be?
ummmmmm  Eragon

2. If you could be any colour high heel, what colour would you be?

3. If you were a poster, what would you be a poster of?
That famous College poster

4. If you were a switch, what would you control?

5. If you were a book, what would you be about?
Probably fighting demons and aliens. I dream about that all the time, so I'm sure that would be in my book.

6. If your hair was a crayon colour, what would it be called?

7. What would you never change your name to that is a name?

8. If you were in jail, what would you be in jail for?
Sexually assaulting David Tennant.

9. If you were a bird, what tune would you sing to?
Jazz tunes.

10. If you could pick your astrological sign, what would it be?
I dunno, but not a Virgo. I'm a shitty Virgo, it doesn't work.

11. What does "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?" mean to you?
Justice is never enough.

12. What will you major in during college?
I'm theatre and English, minoring in history. And I like it that way.

13. Have you ever asked a question that embarrassed you?
Who hasn't, seriously? Yes.

14. When was the last time you embarrassed someone?
I dunno...

15. Is there a particular pattern in your life, or repeating coincidence?
Yes. And I'm hoping to god London will wash me clean of it.

16. If you were a faerie, what colour would your wings be?
Flamey orange.

17. If you could look into anyone's window right now and see what they're doing, what would the person whose window you chose to look in most likely be doing?
Probably something stupid.

18. Do you often write run on sentences?
I write really long but grammatically correct sentences quite often. I like commas, semi colons, all that jazz.

19. Do you feel strong when you look at any of your scars?
No. I don't have many, but they're all silly.

20. What's the heaviest thing you have ever put in an envelope?
Probably coins? Or ludicrously long letters?


21. If you were a calendar, what would be marked every Friday of one month?
Theatre performances, hehe.

22. If you could create a person, what would their name be?
Create how? Like, out of the air, or out of my womanly reproductive organs?

23. Have you ever seen the show "Joey"?

24. If you could make any movie real, what movie would it be?
How about a TV show? Doctor Who!!

25. If you found out you were going to die in a week, who would be the first person you'd tell?

26. What time do you wish it was?
Time doesn't really matter over break. It's already night time, which is what I prefer.

27. Would you rather find love tomorrow that lasts a year? Or love in three years that lasts a lifetime?
Depends on what love that lasts a year means. And how it lasts a year. Not if it fell into that same pattern.

28. Have you ever met someone who was completely composed of anger and hate and disgust, repulsion?
Met? Maybe. Known someone to have become? Yes.

29. If you could have a drink made out of any one fruit and sugar, what drink would you have right now?
Mango juice. Don't even need the sugar.

30. What name do you like best from the main Friends cast?
I don't know them.

31. Do you ever wish you could just slow life down?
My god yes. How is college more than half over?

32. Do you ever wish you could just speed life up?
This summer I did.

33. What's a word that starts with the letter R?

34. How do you think this word relates to your life?
I get rankled sometimes.

35. What's a name that starts with J?

36. Do you know anyone by this name?
Jessiemac my love!

Have you ever...

37. Read a book that was just bad?
Ugh, yes.

38. Found a word you just couldn't pronounce?
If you talk to IPA, yes.

39. Met someone more stubborn than yourself?

40. Had a feeling about something or someone that turned out to be right?

41. Been completely wrong about something?
Of course.


42. When you look up at a pill up close what does it make you think of?
Depends on the pill. Some of them look like planets.

43. Do you have any memories that involve ants?
I suppose, but not incredible ones.

44. What's an inside joke you've heard of but don't know the depth of?
The boys say lots of things I don't always get.

45. Have you seen someone recently you hadn't seen in a long time?
Yeah. Well, sort of. Define how recently.

46. Why do words derived off of Latin words make up the English language?
Because it was the Roman language, and they owned the world for a while.

47. Has a picture ever ruined your day?

48. What was it of?
People I used to love.

49. Have you ever made a prediction about something in life and then it happened?

50. Have you ever drunk rain water from a glass?
No, and I changed drank to drunk because that bothered me.

51. Can you taste the chlorine in sink water and not drink it? Does this make you spoiled or like the princess from the princess and the pea?
It depends on the sink water. I usually drink from the tap, but sometimes it's icky. I don't like it once it's in a glass or a bottle, just in my hands straight at the tap.

52. What kind of person is the person who made the first ever dish of pasta?
A wonderful, magical person. Horray.

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