Well, I've turned my bedroom from something resembling the inside of a skip to a moderately untidy room, which is clearly in the throes of packing. There is just one section, about four feet square, that needs some stuff removed and vacuumed. I've been trying since about five. I can't do it. I've managed a little bit, made some improvements, but I can't actually finish it. I've ended up with horrible indigestion & acid reflux from the stress of it as well as the whole mad anxiety attack thing. Every time I look at it I can't stop thinking about why I have to do this today, and I start to whimper.
There's a man coming on Thursday to give us a quote for the move. There will no doubt be other men looking around as well, because there will have to be more than one quote. Except it's been bloody hard to get an answer from any of these firms. Don't they have admin staff AT ALL?
It's not as if anywhere else is much better but the other areas seem more achievable, because I have achieved tidiness in them before. My bedroom hasn't been properly tidy for years.
Wool cupboard - yeah, I need some help with the heavy lifting, but totally doable. Kitchen - feed me jam and it will shine. Living room - jam & Coke, and I can blitz that motherfucker. Bedroom - is scaring me.
Today I went to the carpet shop, paid the deposit, booked a measurement man for Thursday morning and the carpets will be fitted on Friday. Wine red for the bedrooms, marled plum for the hall & living room. We haven't got anything for the kitchen & bathroom yet because we don't know when they're going to be replaced. The Council will be able to tell us, if we can get through to the right department at a time when their system is working properly.
I just want to hide but there's isn't anywhere safe at the moment.
I've got bags & bags of stuff to get to a charity shop. Of course, none of these places collect so I foresee many bus trips to town with me carrying two or three bags at a time.
On the bright side, I'm building a big bag of clothes for
closetmonster - some black dresses, a couple of skirts & some tops so far. There's a whole cupboard I haven't looked in yet, and I'm hoping it's full of things she will like to tide her over this intermediary losing weight stage. I'd rather give them to
closetmonster than charity and it doesn't matter if she can only wear them for a little while before she shrinks out of them, because it means she's saved money for when she's reached goal weight.
Dave will be home soon. I needs him.