Jun 07, 2004 19:38
Summer sure is busy. Saturday was our first swim meet this season.. blah i sucked but we still won. lol Yeah it was against Sonterra which may i add is a real, fine ass pool. We went out to eat afterwards then went "House Hunting" haha yeah well we are probably gonna move so i can go to Churchill and we can get a bigger house. Around 3 i went to Bree's casa and in additon to her already huge family of all girls, lol, her sisters had friends over too. Whew was that crazy. =D So Sat. night we all saw Harry Potter 3 ! It was super! On Sunday we went to the pool and i finally got a some what good tan! Then i went home and we went "House Hunting" ...again. Today on the otherhand was a relaxing day and nothing really happened.