dude its crazy...
when do people stop gossipping?
they always have to say something about someone else...
i just wish that people would get over themselves...
Garrett, you've been missing alot at work...i wish you were there...
i dont get it...
whats the point?
there is none...
to hurt others?
thats gay!
to make someone elses life miserable because there not happy?
thats so obsurd!!!
why dont they just mind their own business?
people really need to grow up...
most of them are fucking jealous or some shit like that...
i dunno
yesterday at work cam and i walk in and were happy, then one of the female co-workers comes up to me and asks if he and i got caught...and i said "for doing what?"...she was like well so and so said that bla bla bla bla ...ugh...its really gay...i dont know why people just stop...whats the point!!! WHATS THE DAMN POINT???
Even someone who i thought was my friend is saying stuff or atleast helping it get spread...whether they know it is being done or not...i dont know...
lookie lookie
aint it cute?