Mar 14, 2007 11:04
i swear that my co-workers are the most dysfunctional people ever!!!! one of them, shinita wilson, is from cooper and she graduated with my class and she already has a baby who will be 2 this summer. another is a almost single mom who got pregnant at 17 filed for divorce after her husband kicked her and her baby out of their house. another got in a fight with her husband because he was talking to an ex-girlfriend on aim and she didnt really care and so the husband got mad because she didnt react and went out of his way to piss her off. finally she slapped him and thought of throwing her curling iron at him. after that she decided that she was going to go home for a while with their kids and when she went to the bank she found out thather husband had taken her off of the savings account so she couldnt get any money so she stole his credit card and trashed their apartment(she cut up the furniture and broke a bunch of stuff). the only reason that anyone knows this is because she called dressbarn saying that she was in Blain right now and that she was going home for a while, not sure how long. she didnt even tell the maneger, she told the assistant maneger who told her to tell Mary, the manger. of course Tia didnt do that, and apperently she has done this before. she quit and then 4 days later came back and requested her job back. she got it back but with strict rules from Lindsey, my former manager. i guess that tia thought that because lindsey was gone those strict rules no longer apply to her. and since we only have 8 people working there, including me we cant spare anyone. and we now only have 6 people working because our only assistant manager had to go home as well because her family is getting together to decide what to do with her mom. her mom recently had a surgery and while on the table she had a heart attack and then afterwards she had to have heart surgery. her condition worsened and the doctors dont think that she will get better. now the family is trying to decide if they should let her die now or later. its really sad but also she was just gone for about 2 weeks and it was really hard for mary because that means that she has to work every day from opening to close. as much as i like working at dressbarn i wouldnt like to work 9 to 9 ::shudder:: i dont really know the other 2 emploies yet because they are new adn i havent really had a chance to work with them. dont get me wrong i like working at dressbarn its just that there is sooooo much drama happening there and i have had my fill with drama and do you know who they complain to???? thats right me!!!! do i look like i really care about their drama?!?!?! im sick and tired of it. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! why does everybody unload their problems onto me???? i dont mind most of the time when its people that ive known for a while and are my friends that i want to help, but i have only worked there for 2 months, it takes longer then that to really become friends. Amber in particular likes to talk about her personal life and so does Mellisa. im very happy that i donthave drama in my life right now, it all sounds very stressful.