Dec 13, 2005 19:58
i'm so pissed. like everything has been stressing me out lately and i really don't want little things to bother me, but like everything has been.
it's like school can't get any harder and i seiroulsy hate how much shit i have to do just to get a decent grade and chemistry and MRs.Brickely both are FUCKINGCUNTS and i seiroulsy could do without them.
and then this stupid boy who i love and i FUCKING hate it when he talks to other girls cause i don't give him shit yet for ANYOTHER boy i talk too OMG RACHEL WHAT THE FUCK YOUR CHEATING ON ME.
ALRIGHT you fuckingwhore i know your not cheating on me, but just leave the STUPIDFRESHMEN alone i mean 1. you don't know her 2. don't EVER fucking visit her. i might say she's cool but i don't like her.period. i hate all freshman and fine i can say i'm jealous but WHAT THE FUCK leave her the hell alone or don't talk to me. you just seiroulsy GRRRR.
now. ever other word i have come out of my mouth is fuck. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKUFKCUFKCUFKCU. DAMN IT. i have an anger issue.
GODDAMN it i'm so tired of shit. i hate boys. i ahte girls. i hate shcool. i hate being an eating machine.
i hate being FUCKING JEALOUS.
i HATE myself.
i hate my mom. fuckin bitch i'll kill her like beat her FUCKing body up. she pisses me off so much. eat me fag. no want likes you. your ugly and everything you say is BULLSHIT.
i hate pee.
I hate dogs.
i hate men.
i hate brothers.
i hate time.
i hate everything.
can i die please?