The Silent You - Part = 2/2

Sep 11, 2009 17:45

Title: The Silent You - Part = 2/2
Author: me XD crazgal5
Pairing(s): akame
Rating: G
Genre: angst
Beta by: kynseidk
Disclaimer: Characters belong to themselves (or one another >_>)
Summary: Their love, relationship, cracked, shattered, broke and all he could do was watch as he had no more energy left to try and fix it.
Warning: None~
Author Note: lol...i finally posted the 2nd part XP...

Part 1

Part 2
They were sitting at the rooftop in silence, hands laced together. They gave up talking since Kazuya was the quiet type, except when he was in front of the camera.

“Did you tell Ryo that you only love him as a friend?” Jin spoke breaking the comfortable silence.

Kazuya turned to Jin and frowned, “I don’t need to tell him. He already knows.”

“Oh.” was his only response.


Everyone in Jimusho, from the instructors to the juniors, noticed how it changed from Pi-Jin and Ryo-Kame to Jin-Kame. Even Johnny-san noticed it but decided on saying nothing. They watched how things changed--from Jin whining to Pi about getting his dance moves wrong, to Jin suddenly whining to Kazuya. When the receiver of the blow used to be Pi, the younger boy would always retort with something close to ‘Not everyone is as perfect as me’ and they would start a session of Pi being mean to Jin and Jin sulking and pouting in an attempt to look cute.

With Kazuya, the younger boy would only listen to his every whine and offer help, which always led to a happy Jin.

They all noticed that as soon as his practice ended, Kazuya turned to Jin’s direction instead of Ryo’s. This never led to anything bad though. Kazuya and Ryo still had that strong bond with each other. In Yamapi and Jin’s case, on the other hand, Pi would sometimes moan about his ‘JinJin’ not spending much time with him anymore and Jin said that if he called him JinJin ever again, then he would tell everyone ‘PiPi’s deepest, darkest secret.

This shut Pi up. All in all, Pi was happy for his two best friends; they had found love at such an early age. Jin thought so too.

As they became more famous, changes started to occur. KAT-TUN, NewS and Kanjani8 formed. They developed their own problems and the groups started to fight, lose members, among other things.

As everything was changing, Jin was getting scared. He didn’t want his Kazuya to change. Thankfully, the Kazuya behind the camera didn’t change. He stayed the same calm, quiet kid Jin knew and loved. But the Kazuya in front of the camera turned from shy but talkative to mature and confident.


There were times when Jin felt insecure, in ways that were both big and small. He didn’t know why but there always seemed to be small gaps between them just waiting to be widened.

Pi eyed the three people sitting in a bench waiting for him to finish talking/ (getting molested by) Takki. Kazuya was in the middle holding hands with Jin and talking to Ryo who was on his left side.

“Kame-chan, don’t sit so close to Ryo-chan or Bakanishi will get jealous.” teased Pi while waking towards them.

Jin stiffened just a little. His younger lover noticed.

Kazuya smiled his cute smile, “Even if he is jealous, he knows I love him and him only.”

Jin seemed shocked at the declaration. He squeezed Kazuya’s hand a little.

That was the night when Jin and Kazuya first made love.


It was never easy for him. He had seen his Kazuya since the boy was just an awkward teenager like everyone else. He had seen the little changes Kazuya went through, had noticed the fake smile on the young boy. He never said a thing about it though.

He watched as their Gokusen ended with a pinky ring; ‘Kizuna’ and soon ‘Care’ followed.

The smallest of the smallest holes became one of the biggest when Nobuta wo Produce ended with ‘Seishun Amigo’, millions of hits, an even skinnier Kazuya and a broken KAT-TUN with a huge crack in their relationship.


Whoever said being an idol was relaxing must have been an idiot. The singing continued on to the point that their throats hurt; dancing was as tiring and sweaty as ever, and their disagreements always led to things being thrown around the room and nagging from the furious manager.

As if that wasn’t enough, he and Kazuya got into arguments a lot nowadays. Well…it wasn’t really an argument since it was always Jin shouting, screaming and Kazuya ignoring him or replying with a word or two. It wasn’t Jin’s fault though. After all, all he hears from the boy nowadays is Koki, Tat-chan, Pi, Ryo and other guys’ names. When it’s not those, it’s silence. Cold, hard, deafening silence. Always. He was so sick and fed up with it all. So, the next huge hole in their relationship showed up in the shape and size of LA.


LA was a getaway for him. There he could be himself and not worry about a damn thing going on back in Japan.

Or so he thought. Even when he went to clubs, partied all night, and got a hangover, he still opened his laptop at least once a day to check up on Kaz--KAT-TUN. The group seemed to be picking up pace without him and he was happy for them.


He had never been good at the so-called ‘reading the mind’ of your beloved. He just always knew that Kazuya loved him and he loved Kazuya back. But now as he listened to the silence of their phone conversation, he wished he was at least ok at reading minds.

Their love and relationship cracked, shattered, broke and all he could do was watch as he had no more energy left to try and fix it.

From the phone calls with Pi, Ryo and T-TUN, he only remembered this much. Pi was with Ikuta Toma, Ryo with Tat-chan - weirdly, Junno - a player, Koki with some model and Nakamaru still with his beat boxing.

“Okaeri, Jin.”

“Tadaima, Kamenashi.”

No changes. No emotions. No sadness whatsoever. Nothing. Just the same old forced smile; he should have never come back. Ever.

He knew, even without anyone telling him, that Kazuya had moved out of their apartment and was living in his old one across from Ryo’s. So he didn’t bother going to their apartment either, but instead went to Pi’s, stayed there for a week, found a new apartment near work and settled in.

Kamenashi. Akanishi. On and off camera. It was driving everyone insane. The once inseparable pair was gone. T-TUN was worried. The entire Johnny’s were worried. Even Johnny-san himself was worried.


Being a popular idol is tough. Days off are like a gift. So, on a rare occasion, Pi, Ryo, Tatsuya and Jin all had the same day off.

They decided to spend it together.

“So, Pi, how is it going with Toma-kun?” he asked when they were all lying around in his apartment.

Pi’s eyes seemed to be sparkling as he talked about Toma non-stop. He blinked amazed at the speed his best friend was going at. Tatsuya sighed; Ryo rolled his eyes and snapped.

“FOCUS, Yamapi.” shouted Ryo irritated. “I didn’t get us a day off just so we could hear you talk about you lover boys.”

Pi pouted, sulked and mumbled something that suspiciously sounded like ‘tell Toma’, ‘secret’, ‘Tatsuya’.

Ryo glared at Pi.

“Whoa, whoa.” he narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean by ‘get us a day off’, Ryo?”

Tatsuya answered, “Ryo begged Johnny-san for us four to get a day off together.” Tatsuya then turned to Pi. “What is this secret that Ryo is hiding from me?”

“Dare say it, Yamashita Tomohisa,” Ryo hissed through gritted teeth. “And I’ll tell your so-called deepest, darkest secret to each and every living being in this planet.”

Pi turned accusing eyes to Jin. “You promised to not tell another soul my deepest, darkest secret.”

The older man merely shrugged.

Ryo rolled his eyes. “It’s not really deep and dark to have a crush on a boy.”

“If you’re talking about Yamapi liking Kame in his junior days, then it wasn’t really a secret.” spoke Tatsuya.

“Eh!?” Pi snapped his head towards Tatsuya and stared wide-eyed.

Tatsuya sighed. “Yes, Yamapi, EVERYONE, excluding Kame knew you had a crush on Kame. Why do you think Bakanishi wouldn’t let you be close to him in the past?”

Jin tightened his hold on his beer bottle at the mention of his ex-lover.

“Anyways.” Tatsuya continued. “What is this secret Ryo is hiding, Pi?”

“O..okay.” Ryo interrupted. “Let’s continue to why we are here.” Ryo then turned to Jin. “We need to talk. About Kazuya.”

Jin narrowed his eyes. “No, we don’t.”

“Yes, we do.” said Pi.

He was going to answer back when one of the 3 other interrupted him.

“You still love Kame.”

He really didn’t care which one of them said it.

“Kazuya still loves you.”

“No, he doesn’t.” He spat. “He probably never did.”

Jin waked out of his own apartment.


He was lying on his bed. The conversation a few days ago with Pi, Ryo and Tatsuya got him thinking. He couldn’t sleep even if it was a bit too late for it. He called Ryo.

“What, Bakanishi.”

“Um..I was just thinking..what was it you wanted to talk about Kamenashi last time?”

“…” A few moment of silence.

“Hello?” he called out.

“Why do you think you and Kazuya aren’t together anymore?” Ryo asked.

“Because he changed. He wasn’t the same as before anymore.”

Ryo heaved a sigh. “Think again.” The line went dead.

“Jin?” asked Tatsuya, who was cuddling with Ryo on the sofa.

“Yeah.” Ryo massaged his temples. “That Bakanishi better think quickly or else I’m gonna…”

“By the way, what is the secret you are hiding from me, Nishikido Ryo?” It was more of a command rather than a question.

Ryo gulped. He knew he had to tell the truth now. “ know how you have the Gackt necklace.” Tatsuya instantly stiffened in his embrace.

“Iwastheonewhobrokethepointyhangingthingonit.Sorry.” Tatsuya stood up, didn’t even bother looking at Ryo while walking inside their bedroom, slammed the door close and locked it. Ryo had a necklace and loads of chocolate to buy the next day.


Rooftop. It was the one place where he didn’t worry about anything. A place where he could escape all the pain and loneliness piled up in his forsaken life. So when he went to the rooftop today, he had wanted some alone time.

“I like you.” Jin heard a voice and hid behind the door and peeked. It was Matsumoto Jun and Kazuya. He bit his lips while waiting for the younger to answer to Matsumoto’s confession.

“Gomen, senpai.”

Relief flooded through him, and yet he hated how Kazuya still affected him so strongly.

“You still love Akanishi, don’t you?”

Jin stopped peeking and ran down the stairs.

Kanjani8 were probably having a day off or were in Osaka doing some show. He lay on the sofa of the band’s empty dressing room and started thinking about what had led to him and Kazuya to break-up. He thought they were strong enough for all the things they went through.

“Bakanishi thinking?” his best friend teased, who was in the room out of nowhere. He kept silent. Pi sat on the sofa opposite from Jin and asked. “What are you still doing here? It’s past midnight. I thought KAT-TUN finished earl-”

“Ne, Pi?” he cut his best friend off. “What went wrong?”

`    Pi lied down on the sofa, too. “Hm~ Dunno.”

They stayed with their comfortable silence.

“Why did Kazuya change?”

He heard Pi sigh. “..Did he really?”

Jin frowned. “Of course, he did. He always started talking about you guys so-”

This time it was Pi’s turn to interrupt. “That’s because Johnny’s entertainment is filled with boys, you idiot.”

Jin sat up. “But, still, if he didn’t talk he always stayed si...lent.” That was when realization dawned on him. He stood up abruptly, ran for the door and stopped.

“Thanks Pi.” Jin said without turning back to see Pi smile.


Their apartment. It was still rented. The key was still hanging with his other important keys. He didn’t need it right now though. He turned the knob. It was open. In the living room, he saw the one person who never failed to make his heat beat faster.

“You didn’t change.” Jin breathed out.

Kazuya didn’t look up as he was too busy staring off in space. Jin looked around. It looked like nothing had been touch for a long time. There was dust everywhere. Kazuya had moved out but only physically. Kazuya’s heart was still there. Just like his.

“T..tadaima.” he hesitated. “Kazuya.”

Kazuya then looked up to meet his eyes and he knew that nothing had changed.

“Okaeri, Jin.”

Jin felt something wet trailing down his own cheek. “You didn’t change.” he sobbed. Kazuya stood up and enveloped Jin in a hug.

“My hair changed.” he joked.

Jin chuckled between tears. His Kazuya didn’t change. Neither did he. Even if everything changed, they didn’t. And that was all that mattered.


A/N: Just found out that my dad used to play baseball XDDD...not professionally though XP...

fanfic: completed, fanfic: one-shot

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