Apr 01, 2010 21:37

I was in on the whole Wedding thing all along.

IK told me months ago..

I figured I'd add my own spin to it and Divorce myself from the DP forums.

Every good lie has large parts or the entire truth in it.

Rapscallion banned me from CS.com and I'm currently avoiding him for it.
Jennie doesn't care for me, or ABOUT me, that much.

I'll be there until I get kicked out, (which MIGHT be right after this.. eek!) or I die!! I have too many damn friends there to leave!!

I never left.

I monitored the forums under the pseudonym A.Nonny.Mouse... Which kinda took on a life of it's own..Hell.. I'm thinking of making a webcomic for the Character!!


Erase all memory of the Emo whinin of the last few months..


I'm a bastich!!

April Fools!
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