Apr 05, 2005 18:14
i haven't posted a real entry in a long time, and since i practically don't have any homework tonight, i think i'm just gonna start typing a see what comes out.
so a lot has been going on lately... went to gulf wars about 3 weeks ago, but i'm still excited from it. i got to celebrate two wonderful years of bellydancing by staying up til 3 or 4 every night following drummers around looking for a fire we could drum and dance around. to some it probably sounds lame that i would spend my spring break doing this out in the middle of nowhere mississippi, but i have the most fun dancing there than anywhere else. the whole atmosphere is awesome, and there are soooo many good drummers. i actually tried it out one night... drumming's a lot of fun. but anyway, as long as weird guys aren't staring at me i find it to be the best part of the week. i actually met the middle eastern dance champion of ansteorra (kingdom of texas and oklahoma), which was awesome considering i had seen her compete and win back in july, but never got to meet her. she approached me one night and told me i was good and encouraged me to compete for next year's champion. ahhh!! so she and i talked about what it would take to win, and this will be a huge project. not only will i have to look impressive while dancing, but i'll have to do research to make the presentation as authentic as possible, and then write a large paper on it. i can dance, and i can kinda sew, but to find documentation for anything ancient and middle eastern concerning how they danced and dressed will be really hard. but i've got til september, and the current champion, toryn, has offered her help, so i think i can do it. if i won there would be no doubt in anyone's mind that i'm really serious about this.
good lord, enough about bellydancing.
dad built a trebuchet and brought it to the event, and it totally kicked ass. he's actually planning to build another one, and i think they're starting tomorrow. the fine arts museum is gonna have an exhibit about Tolken and his books, and the curator called up the local SCA (society of creative anachronism) folks and asked for some people to walk around in garb, perform some fighting demonstrations, and they asked if we by chance had a trebuchet. sooooo my dad will probably be doing treb demonstrations in miller outdoor theater in a few months!
hmm what else... went down to galveston last monday
it was really nice to just chill out on the beach, soak up some sun, and relax with my friends. it would have been better if it weren't so windy, but we all had fun anyway. it wasn't an action-packed day, but still a great one.
just trying to get through april, and then the rest of the school year will be a breeze (after APs may 2nd and 3rd). this month will probably be very long... lots to look forward to in may, but then again i'm patient, and a month really isn't that bad.
ok, so now for advertisements!
Saturday, April 8th
Dan Electro's in the heights (1031 E. 2th)
9pm $8
Tuesday, April 19th
Helios on Westimer
8pm $4
i'll be doing the whole tribal/urban gypsy thing at both of these events
so come!