Sep 26, 2008 18:12
So, since Habib's death, I got two rabbits: Hip and Hop. Well, long story short, Hip died. Hop became friends with a rat named Ratatouille and then this past summer I got Hop a new buddy. Yes, the cutesy naming scheme continued and the baby's name is Scotch. Don't have pictures, but maybe I will soon.
I met a guy. We're kinda casually dating, but it's nothing serious. My friends call him Aladdin because he's indian. I take exception to that. They also call this guy that was very into me Gerber Baby, so you get the idea.
Oh, in more exciting news, I got a 76-key digital piano/electronic keyboard. It's amazing. I'm no grand pianist, but I'm getting back into it seriously.
I'm going to watch the Presidential Candidate Debate tonight and see who can talk, but I'm already just a little biased.
I have nothing interesting to say, but I might just start posting some tidbits from my life here.
Since my friend brought it up, does anyone think that the world is going to end in 2012 like the Mayans and several other groups believe?