I know you'd rather be reading
pep553's journal because he has more interesting text stuffs, but just spare me a minute.
First of all, aren't you all happy that college apps are done? I'm ecstatic!
Second of all, yes I agree about that bird thing Pep553...
Third of all, Arcadia was great! Still trying to wrap my head around
all that TOK but I think I've got most of it... At least I hope so..
What else?
I'm feeling like things have been going much better so far this year as
opposed to the end of last year. 2005 will be good, I swear. Anyone
else think this year will be good? I mean prom, graduation, freedom,
college and all? Is that not appealing to anyone else?
I have something for you to do guys. First, click this link.
Your Smarts in My Trivia Game Then sign up and "Use Your
Brain for Once Today... Have Fun!" See the best thing about this is,
I'll let you be smarter than me sometimes.. ;) Anyway, I'm excited and
only about two other people really know why. Some of you will find out
later though... Shhhhh... It's a secret.
I want snow and Happy Martin Luther King Day!