Indeed. A Song of Ice and Fire is a series that will suck out your brain and replace it with Mr. Martin's world. It starts out a bit slow in each book but by the fifth chapter you're frothing at the mouth and can't put it down. This has happened to everyone I know who's read this book, regardless of their previous preferences. It's...well...good.
"Tuff Voyaging" is also a good book by George R.R. Martin. I dig it.
-Red Out
"A Game of Thrones" by George R.R. Martin (I usually can't stand fantasy and I love these books)
"Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson
"Excession" by Ian M. Banks (one of my favorite authors)
"Ubik" by Philip K. Dick
"Gun, With Occasional Music" by Jonathan Letham
"Flanders" by Patricia Anthony (gut wrenching)
And anything that Kurt Vonnegut ever wrote (including his latest, "A Man Without a Country")
That's all I can think of at the moment. Mostly it's all science fiction.
Ooh! Non-fiction hilarity! "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Fenyman" by Richard Fenyman. Work on the Manhattan project. A really interesting book.
-Red Out
Not sure how much of a Vonnegut fan I am, though to be fair I've only ever read Slaughterhouse Five.
I myself really like Vonnegut. And, as you can tell, I read a bit. And if I can't think of a book for you to read, my husband sure as hell can.
-Red Out
-Red Out
"Tuff Voyaging" is also a good book by George R.R. Martin. I dig it.
-Red Out
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