Feb 09, 2005 00:25
Mk, all freakin day thiings have been reminding my of Laura. like, freakin' everything. I watched "hook" last night and i thought of her and finding neverland. I'll see muse on tv (one of her favorite bands) and listen to "i'll be here awhile" (our song) theres just alot of things that remind me of her. I cant help it. I was laying in my bed thinking of her and everything and i was tossing and turning kicking myself in the ass for what i did. I'm going through Laura Elisabeth Walker withdrawl. I told her she was a freakin drug... but i guess she thought i was joking. I wanna fight back and try to resolve things and win her back. but I cant. I wanna freakin' drive over there and like put flowers in her front yard and spell out stuff for her to wake up to. I wish I could rly do that and win her back. but i dont think i can. blah.
Kill yourself, Josh