sleep journal

Feb 25, 2010 19:36

so i am going to start recording some information on my sleep now that i have started on medication.

last night i laid down at 11:00pm and fell asleep about 11:30

i set my alarm to get up at 7:45am and actually got out of bed at 9:30.  so i was 1 hour 45 minute past alarm.

thus making me 45 minutes late for intended time to leave for work.

i hit the snooze button 7-8 times i believe.

i remember waking 2 times during the night and the second around 5am actually feeling kinda decent.

i felt horrrrrible this morning and even skipped my shower (i know, disgusting).  on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst i felt about an 8.

i did not have time to make breakfast (took a cereal bar) or make my lunch.

right now i am at .125 mg of mirapax and i took it at 9:30pm.

recovery, sleep

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