Mar 15, 2006 10:19
*i never have anything to say really.... we went from 13 degree weather to minus 4 its snowing and blowing again after it all got melted away.
*all of the colleges in ontario are still on strike.
*becca and irene are pussies that say i am going to get whats coming to me, and then are scared of me.
*faysals mom and brother are down this week.. that will make him happy
*rachels birthday party on saturday!
*lastnight went to kelsey's for something to eat and oh nelly my stomach has been upset ever since! lol
*had to have the whole week off almost last week because i had a respiratory infection.. and i have "reactive airways" which means every time i get a cold, bronchitis comes with it..
*I QUIT's been 12 days
*i have a stupid sore on my left hand and it really hurts :(
*i cleaned my car and made it smoke free and now it doesn't smell like yuck anymore! :)
*austin got his stitches out (my nephew)
*going to the bar on thursday night hoping those hoes will be there so they can get knocked out
*i wish i could stop arguing and fighting wit my boyfriend
*it's really hard though when he has a different lifestyle
*amanda and dave broke up! they were together 3 and a half years.. wow.. i'm proud of her
*i got my hair cut and layered... dunno what i tihnk of it yet!
*i think i may take my camera out now and take pictures.. you guys need an interesting update
*royals got put out of hockey :( that sucks..i love hockey and don't like to miss it
*my friend krystal had to put her doggy down.. but its in a better place now!
i think thats all i will bore you with... nothing else to say! lol