Yeah, I've been having a bit of trouble navigating, mostly because it was my sister's brilliant idea to delete all of the password-saving cookies I had saved.
So, moving along, yesterday, I finally asked the girl I have a crush on out (insert collective "Aww, Pengy's in love" schtuff here) and she said she'd be happy to go to homecoming with me. Yay, I didn't scare another person off...XD
Oh, and you folks really should stop by
Mirkon's Xanga site and read up on Microsoft's latest plans to brainwash the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
So, in closing, this penguin's happy, since he's no longer single, and annoyed at Microsoft, LiveJournal and still rather pissed at the RIAA. Oh, and I'm toying with HTML in the Music and Mood categories, so bear with me.