2003/2004 Class Schedule(In Case AngelFire has issues)

Aug 20, 2003 17:33

Pengy's Class Schedule for 2003-2004
Idea blatantly stolen from Mirkon, for the sheer convenience of not having to repeat my schedule.

1French 2MaherI wonder who the hell this is...
HRRoom 226SchulteWelcome to hell; If you don't go insane, the teacher will gladly do so for you.
2Applied BiologySimchoBiology: One of the main reasons school sucks.
3German 2GrubeskyOkay, class, we're going to have a fun time. And by fun time, I mean this class will drain your will to live.
4Cognitive Algebra Part BNew TeacherIt's a wonder I'm not riding the short bus to school.
5Study Hall(Tuesday Only)MarconyakGreat...I get the worst math teacher on my school's staff as my study hall teacher. Let's hope he can do something right.
5Gym(First Semester; Every day except Tuesday)ZaborowskiThis will, in fact, be the easiest "A" I have ever earned in my life.
5Health(see Gym for days; second semester)Estatico"Okay students. Today we'll be using our copies of the 'Big Pop-up Book of the Human Anatomy'."
5Study Hall(Second Semester)RitaccoThis is a documentary of a Spanish teacher in a study-hall environment.
6Art 1BarzanThis class will be truly great. I'll suck at it, but it'll still pwn.
7LunchRandom Security GuardsMmm, food.
8ISB American Culture(part 2)Kirby(insert Kirby game-related joke here)
9ISB English(also part 2)TrainorAs long as it's not like last year, I'm alright with it. Otherwise, may this teacher rot in hell

That is, indeed, my schedule for the following school year. Thanks to Mirkon for giving me the idea; no thanks to whoever the hell made making tables such a tedious task.
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