Feh, Pengy's "good moods" really blow anymore...

Oct 01, 2005 11:14


So, today's plans might've fallen through, seeing how Lauren has an obscene number of things to get done over the weekend. Oh, and to add insult to injury, if you could really put it that way, my family figured I wouldn't be joining them for an early dinner/late lunch at Red Lobster so they replaced me. Haha, great stuff, isn't it? Ah well.

But enough of that. I've stolen a survey off of Corey's LJ to cure my boredom. And, with some luck, get me in a mood that's less crappy than this one.

1. First Name: Philip
2. Middle Name: Wesley
3. Do you like your name?: Sure
4. Nicknames: Phil, Pengy, CrazedPenguin, "that smartass", The Ass of Spades
5. Age: 17
6. Birthday: 11/25/1987
7. Where do you live?: Glenn Ave
8. Do you like it where you live?: Meh, can't complain.
9. Where were you born?: Buggered if I know. Is that a bad thing? o_O;
10. Height: 5'7". Thank you, DNA.
11. Do you wish you were a different height?: Meh, not really.

12. Food: Spicy things. Yum.
13. Number: 7
14. Date: No.
15. Day of the Week: Saturday.
16. Day of the Year: Christmas.
17. Candy: Starbursts = the greatest candy ever
18. Ice Cream: Ba-Da-Bean vanilla ice cream
19. Place to shop: Waldens, Barnes & Noble or Borders
20. Place to shop for clothes: Don't have a favorite.
21. Song: as of now, "The Show Must Go On" from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack
22. Movie: Too many good movies to name.
23. Band/Group: Don't have a specific favorite
24. Sport: Haha, what a joke.
25. Subject in School: Newspaper. Or Government Studies, seeing how we do NOTHING.
26. Holiday: Christmas
27. Color: Sapphire
28. Color of clothes to wear: Dark. Crap, have you seen my wardrobe?
29. Type of clothes to wear: Sarcastic t-shirts and jeans.
30. Shoes: Black Nike shoes
31. Fruit: Grapes.
32. Veggie: Corn? Bleh, don't have one, I guess.
33. Animal: Cats. Funny enough, I own three dogs.
34. Magazine: The Onion? Meh.
35. Game: Kingdom Hearts.

Least Favorites
36. Food: Hm...Squash? No clue.
37. Number: 13
38. Date: Heh, my birthday. Not in the angsty "I hate my life" way but in the "Wow, this blows because it almost always falls on Thanksgiving" way.
39. Day of the Week: Wednesday. Halfway between Hell and the weekend.
40. Day of the Year: First day of school.
41. Candy: Haha, who would I be kidding if I said anything here?
42. Ice Cream: It was something involving gummi worms, pop rocks and some other crap. Looked interested, tasted awful.
43. Place to shop: Eh, never gave this much thought.
44. Place to shop for clothes: Any really popular stores. Too lazy to name 'em but you know what I mean.
45. Song: Don't have one.
46. Movie: Battlefield Earth. Worst.movie.evar.
47. Band/Group/Singer: Linkin Park. XD
48. Sport: All of them?
49. Subject in school: None, this year. Freaking hated Chemistry though.
50. Holiday: None, really.
51. Color: Intensely bright ones really murder my eyes.
52. Color of clothes to wear: Same as the previous answer.
53. Type of clothes to wear: Meh.
54. Shoes: My old sandals. Those things hurt like hell to wear anymore.
55. Fruit: Kiwi
56. Veggie: Cucumbers.
57. Animal: Rats. Blech.
58. Magazine: Eh, don't really have one.
59. Game: Just about anything made by EA Games.

More About You
60. Shoe size: 12
61. Hair color: Brown
62. Do you or have you ever dyed your hair?: No.
63. Hair length: Sorta long.
65. Are you getting bored or annoyed yet?: Not really.
66. What time is it? 11:45
67. What do you want to be when you grow up? A writer.
68. Hiked a mountain? Sure.
69. Walked a mile? Yeah.
70. Really walked a mile in someone elses shoes?: I'd rather not.
71. Ate a whole box of oreos?: This portion of the quiz = geared towards fat folks?
72. Been in love?: More than likely.
73. Stayed up all night?: Yeah.
74. Broken a bone?: Nope.
75. Pulled a muscle?: Nope.
76. Fractured something?: No.
77. Sprained something?: Funny enough, my middle finger. It's a long story.
78. Watched the show Happy Days?: Yeah.
79. Cried because you've missed someone?: Yes.
80. Had a party?: Sure.
81. Been on a boat?: Numerous times.
82. Been on a plane?: Yesh.
83. If you were on a plane, was it scary?: A little bit.
84. Done the chicken dance?: Haha, who hasn't?
85. Been on a train?: Yeah.
86. Ate so much chocolate and/or candy that you puked?: No.
87. Had a food fight?: No.
88. Jumped on a trampoline?: Yeah
89. Played spin the bottle?: Pfft.
90. Been in a fist fight?: Yeah.
91. Been in a hospital?: More times than I care to remember.
92. Been in a hospital(not to visit someone but as a patient)?: See above.
93. Had a falling dream?: Yeah.
94. Been out of the country?: No.
95. Played baseball with a bunch of friends?: No.
96. Took a Bubble Bath?: Yeah. Then again, that was ages ago.
97. Made a web page?: Again, who hasn't?
98. Been in a car accident?: Heh, yeah.
99. Driven a Car?: Yeah. Legally, no. XD
100. Woo hoo This is 100, how do you feel?: Feh.
102. Laughed so Hard that you peed in your pants?: No.
103. Lied? Pffft, do I really need to answer this?
104. Fallen asleep in class?: Yeah.
105. Played with Barbies?: ...No.

This or That
106. Campfire or fireplace?: Fireplace
107. M+Ms or Skittles?: Skittles
108. MTV or VH1?: VH1.
109. Movies or Music?: Movies
110. Stay up late or sleep in?: Either one.
111. Sun or Moon?: Moon
112. How sick are you of this survey?: A bit.
113. What Time is it now?: 11:50
114. 10 acquaintances or 1 bestfriend?: 1 best friend. Acquaintances are worthless by comparison.
115. Short or Tall?: Tall.
116. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
17. Cat or dog?: Cat
118. Newspaper or Magazine?: Newspaper, durr.
119. Is the glass half empty or half full?: It's half empty with liquid, half full with air. I'm a realist, people, so this optimism-pessimism shit doesn't work with me.
120. McDonalds or Burger King?: Burger King.
121. Fish or Mice?: Mice.
123. Are you Happy or Sad?: A mix of the two? I don't know, I'm the basket-case of the family or so I've been told.
124. Serious or funny?: A mix of the two.
125. Happy or sad ending?: Happy would be nice.
126. Scary movie or Funny movie?: Funny
127. Scary movie or sad movie?: Scary.
128. Funny movie or a sad movie?: Funny.
129. Brother or sister?: I've got at least one of both. No, thanks.
130. Barbie or Skipper?: ...
131. Bikini or one piece?: If I had to answer, bikini.
132. Snow or rain?: Snow.
133. Candy or Fruit?: Depends. Usually fruit.
134. Plane or car?: Car.
135. Run or walk?: Walk.
136. Swim or skate?: Swim.
137. Pepsi or Coke?: Coke.
138. A house in the woods or a house in the City?: City.
139. The dark or light?: Dark.
140. Rainy or Sunny?: Rainy.
142. sneakers or sandals?: Sandals.
143. Lions or Tigers?: Or bears, oh my? Tigers.
144. Mustard or ketchup?: Meh, either one.
45. Rap or Rock?: Rock.
146. Party or stay home?: Party. I'm usually found AT HOME. Haw.
147. Skates or Bike?: Bike.

Other Random Stuff
148. How many siblings do you have?: 1 actual sibling, 3 half-siblings.
149. Do you like your siblings?: Varies from day-to-day.
150. Do you have any pets?: Three.freaking.dogs.
152. Who is your favorite family member?: My grandmother.
154. What time is it?: 11:55
155. What's the last thing you ate?: *shrugs*
156. Are you hungry right now?: Yeah.
157. What would you like to eat right now?: A sandwich.
158. Have you ever went on a diet?: No. Though an extreme depression that hit me a couple years ago with a growth spurt worked out in my favor.
159. Do you believe in God?: Yeah. I was brought up to believe in God so it's kind of automatic.

When was the last time that you've...
164. Danced?: Homecoming.
165. Watched TV?: About half an hour ago.
166. Hugged someone?: Feh, don't make me laugh.
168. Jumped on a bed?: A long time ago.
169. Been happy?: ...Look up a few answers?
170. Been sad?: Eh, I don't do "sad". I'm either "happy" or "miserable". No happy mediums.
171. Drank bottled water?: Last night.
172. Went swimming in a lake?: o_O; I have no idea.
174. Hung out with some friends?: Again, Homecoming. Getting repetitive.
175. Took a shower?: This morning.
177. Went for a walk?: Um...I'll get back to you on that.
178. Went for a bike ride?: A couple years ago.
179. Played a board game?: Chess, the end of last school year.

In your opinion
182. Do fish have feelings too?: Not when you're eating them.
183. What do you think of diet coke?: Not a fan of diet soda.
184. Should ants be kept in ant farms?: What an amazing question. Don't care.
185. What time is it?: 12pm
186. What do you think of black nail polish?: Meh, I'm indifferent.
190. Are people who talk to Animals crazy?: Sure, might as well be.
191. Are you a good person?: I try to be. Can't answer this because I know someone'll say "Pfft, the hell you are/aren't"
192. Are you funny?: Haha, see that last one? Yeah. That applies to this too.
193. Are mice cute?: Eh, I guess.
194. Are snakes scary?: No.
195. Does jelly taste good?: Hell yes.
196. Is the color black beautiful?: Black is the color of 75% of my wardrobe. Figure it out.
197. Is black even a color? (Insert Mr. Kirker's day-long rant here)
198. Is pink pretty?: Eh, pink's alright.
199. What do you feel about the color blue?: It's quite nice.
200. Woo hoo This is 200, how do you feel? Bored and hungry.
201. Are you getting sick of the color questions?: Quite.
202. How many chocolate chips should a cookie have?: A million.
203. Is Nintendo better than Playstation?: Yes, but not by much.
204. Is bottled water really better than tap water?: Feh. I guess?
205. What pizza place has the best pizza?: Pizza Hut ftw

More About You
206. Okay, what's the time right now?: 12:03
207. How are you feeling right now?: Bored, hungry, blah.
208. How many cookies do you think you could eat?: Four or five? *shrugs*
209. How many pieces of pizza can you eat?: Depends on how hungry I am. I've eaten up two twelve slices in one sitting...Heh.
210. How much chocolate can you eat?: Not a whole lot.
211. What kind of shoes do you wear the most? My sandals.
214. What are you listening to?: The Black Mages.
216. Do you like to read?: Hell yes, I do.
218. What grade are you in?: 12th
219. What's the best part of the school day?: Heh, can't answer that. =P
220. Why?: I've got my reasons, that's why.

The Last Section -finally!
221. This is the last section of the survey, how do you feel?: Hungry, bored, tired, blah.
222. Did you like this survey?: Not really.
223. Was it the longest one that you have ever completed?: Not at all.
224. Do you like filling these surveys out?: Only when I'm bored or in a crappy mood.
225. What do you want to do now that you are done with this?: Get some lunch.
226. Any last words?: There are two four letter words in the English language that carry more weight, in my opinion, than any others. Only an idiot wouldn't know what I mean.
227. Why'd you add another one onto this quiz?: Because I can.
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