(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 09:29

So a quick update before class.....

Im back in Mt. Pleasant, and totally not in the buckle down studying mood... I miss EMILY and JENNA LYNN, but it was really nice spending time with them this past week. 3 more weeks tilll break!!!!!!

As for Anthony, I miss him soooOOOOoooo much, he is like the one constant thing in my life, when my world is crazy, he keeps me grounded, many ppl have doubted our success as a couple, but I think we are better than ever, the distance if anything has helped us appreciate one another, we dont need to be together ever second of every day because we understand that right now is our time to perfect ourselves as individuals so someday we can be together as two individuals who love each other enough to share their life together, I know that many ppl think I'm missing out on the partying or the random hook ups, but believe me I have something that will be there when the randoms leave and the party ends. I love Anthony Michael with all my heart!!!!!!

HAPPY 7 months Baby!!!!!!!!
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