Apr 18, 2006 00:47
Ok so lately my thoughts have been all into MONEY! money money money! I need money and many know that shit. I am tired of having to let ppl hook me up .... Don't get me wrong it's kool some people do that for me but there comes a point where it's uncomfortable. I feel as if I have to depend on that certain someone and its like URGGGH! fuck no man. Im pretty much tired of this shit of seating home and not going anywhere .. why? BECAUSE I have NO fucking MONEY. I am at the point where Im about to do almost anything to get money ROB NI99A'S or some shit. Well anywayzzz Im looking everywhere for Jobs im now hoping badly to get this one Job at playland. My hopes are on that. I wanna go on vacations ... I wanna be able to go shopping every fucking week Cop the latest shit I need... Look CRISPY... I deserve that shit.... Ill have mom Dukes CRISPY AS WELL. I wanna look ULTRA CRISPY..... FuCk DaT!
COme AGaIn.