i switched my cartilage peircing from a stud to a
pink butterfly on saturday ^_^ it's so cute!
i went bowling today...again. i decided to buy bowling shoes cuz i've gone bowling like every week of summer = S man, it's hot today. i had to make egg rolls today. originally i was only helping my mom, but then she had to go to work so i had to finish. i burned myself several times because the hot oil splashed on me D = i also mowed the lawn in record time, like 20 minutes. that's pretty amazing if i do say so myself considering it usually takes me like 30-40 minutes, my back yard needs to shrink or something cuz it's just not working for me. note to self, NEVER have a large lawn, EVER! unless...i want to be cruel to my children...if i ever have children, which i don't want. me, john and andrew all went back to andrew's new house after bowling. it's massive! 5 families could prolly fit in there. you could seriously get lost in there, although, it would make a great place to play hide-and-go-seek in, if you don't touch anything of course...lol. i had to leave early to beat my dad home. i totally didn't...man, the one time he decides to come home early...i swear he left for work late, so why did he come home early? to spite me of course. the cosmos is against me, again. actually, both of my parents were home. they said nothing about it, so i'm chill. for now. i went to class today. she just handed us a syllabus and a worksheet and sent us on our way. our hw is to do the worksheet. it's review. i just finished it. it was pretty easy. seriously, i was in class for like 7 minutes. i found out that we're using the same book as the one used @ seattleu, yay! i don't have to buy another book! = ) cuz we all know how poor college students are. i thought i was gonna be late to class but i made it just in time. yay for freaking out for no reason!
~chaos rulez!