the show must go on!

Oct 30, 2006 01:00

first things first, if i don't get sleep soon, i very well may die.

unfortunate thing #1:

i have to finish a 4-page essay for mythology that was due friday

unfortunate thing #2:

richard is fast asleep on one of my hands so i couldn't escape if i wanted to...

this weekend was veryyyyy busy, friday our boys lost 49-0, i had an assload of different projects to finish by tonight for the golf tournament tomorrow, i had to try to fit in time for bullshitting my essay, i needed SLEEP, i got a wierd one-day case of pink eye, i missed out on pumpkin carving with the girls and douglas, and i had to finish the fucking haunted house!!!!

ugh...time for some good things...

fortunate things, #'s 1-18:

1-my hand is warm thanks to richard
2-doing things for the golf tournament makes my basketball coaches kiss my ass
3-daylight savings is heaven on earth
4-doug got a free pumpkin because there was a massive hole in it
5-my mom's actually being a person with feelings and excusing my tardies for friday! fuck you, hart, now there's no way you can't accept my crap-ass work
6-i get to skip 5th block tomorrow
7-i get to drive a golf cart (ghost ride it, bitches)
8-the "hanted hose" is pretty good this year, i think it could actually scare lindsay!
9-maggie's safe from the wrath of the spider room, there is none this year
10-basically, everybody thinks becca's a dumbass, lolz 
11-i had another cheesey bean and shit burrito
12-Da Bears fucking own, piss off, 49ers!
13-halloween tuesday, my favorite holiday <3
14-friday LHS vs GHS, time to dress up like a dead cowgirl
15-tuesday, senior group pick with my two favorite women in the world
16-November = 1,000 extra weekend days!!!!!!!!
17-pink eye's basically cleared up
18-bear and i still have fourth block together!

i love my cats.

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