(no subject)

Dec 14, 2004 21:33

just got done with my stupid concert, oh but what fun it turned out to be!!!

I went to pick Maggie up from her house and there was a life-sized Santa Claus in her front yard. My dad practically drove up the curb because he swore he'd seen it move! I went out to get Meg and as usual Steve was barking at the door in hopes of mauling my face. The rest of the way back to the school was spent teasing Terrance Eugene about gay salt and the black families of Livermore who hide in there house to avoid being oppressed (oooold inside joke)

We got there and skipped over the rainbow with Stefan for a bit before settling back to listen to a little Invisible Ink. Slowly people started showing up.

Danielle, (by the way if you read this you stupid bitch just know you SUCK and you couldn't play the viola if your life depended on it), sauntered into the gym totally late looking like she'd just rolled out of a fucking dumpster. She was still wearing her Nightmare Before Christmas jacket to be part of the 'scene' (+3 scene points, Kate!) and what's that? No formal clothes for frizzy Frazee considering she is first chair and all, too bad Mr.Jones enjoys the occasional blow job or we might have had a good section leader this year!

I don't know what was up her skanky ass, but as soon as i left Danielle scampered over to Magz like a creepy little wounded animal and started bitching about how her life sucks and how Phillip is nothing but drama and she doesn't need him anymore. I feel bad for Phillip in a way for putting up with all her shit, he seems nice. But anyway, perhaps they broke up because he IM'd me saying we should hang out. I may take him up on that sometime, Danielle...

During the band part of the concert Danielle left and all was good again in the valley (lol, wtf?). Meg and me took turns making up parts to the trilogy of Gary's demise...

Part 1:

The sun comes up and Mr. Jones is bounding off to the golden bathroom stall in the sky, the size of the Great wall of China, to find cross-dresser Don sucking of Mr. Watson. He joins in, but Danielle bursts in the door and starts freaking out so the two fatties in their maternity dress suits have to escape onto a nazi helicopter provided by Nazis Wesley, Wayde, and VanSchaak (the school ruiner). Then there's a shot of the view from the sky. Nazi Wes has a single tear rolling down his cheek as he proudly displays the Nazi salute and Danielle screams curses at them because she's lost. THE END flashes across the screen then a shot of the helicopter spiraling into the ocean because Mr. Jones and Mr. Watson are too fat.

Part 2:

It's morning in the back country and young Gary has been sent out with a bucket and crate to fetch milk and apples for his mother. He doesn't know quite how to milk a cow so after molesting it he gets kicked in the face and passes out. Next it's off to try and fetch apples, slightly safer he thinks? Not on a terribly high ladder. Then Gary falls off and cracks his head open. Just then the stupidest, most spoiled freshman girl ever gets out of a cairrage and rejects Gary because he has no muscles. Over a week Gary produces frighteningly (sp?) ginormous muscles and she agrees to marry him, that is, after an hour long period of running through a field towards one another.

Part 3:

It's Gary's wedding! He's planning and preparing, the busy little town square bustles with excitement! Gary is in the bride-to-be store, picking out his dress. He also gets a mile long vail, isn't he lovely??? It's time for marriage, painfully slow, Gary tiptoes down the aisle, his one-toothed grin glistening, his cheeks rosey and full, his blue eyes glazed over with delight. Avast! The German Nazi army is here to spoil Gary's romance! And who do they have with them? But of course Fatty Jones and Pregnant Watson in their grand carriage pulled along by the most noble black steeds of all the horse races and breeds. They must be the very most noble for if they do not perfom perfectly, they will be sent off to the nazi glue factory. Following closely behind are Wesley, Wayde, and Van (Man) Sack. Seeing the blond haired, blue eyed Nazis changes Gar Bear's girl's mind about him and she runs off with Wayde (who by the way is the same age as her), leaving Gary to weep. Before he can get into the 'ugly cry', he is smashed by the horse drawn carraige carrying the mighty fat Nazi leaders. Gary is left sniffleing in the mud, his mile long vail torn in two. The picture fades out and the trilogy is done.

funny, eh? we have a wierd sense of humor. Under the Sea Fatties!

I missed a basketball tournament for this concert, i hope to hell we won!

<3 Tarabelle <3

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