I miss them. Gosh the old days were great. Today, I talked to my best friend from a few years ago and we used to do everything together... Megan. We stopped talking a little over a year ago, over something so not worth it. A guy. Anyways, we just haven't hung out in so long, and today I got her number and called her and talked to her for a long time.... we are going to try and hang out soon. The sucky thing is she is moving to North Carolina on Oct. 30th and we just started talking again. We were also best friends with this other girl Jessica, and she is off away at college, and Megan nor I really talk to her anymore. The 3 of us used to be attached at the hip and now it is so different. Here are a couple of pictures of us. =D I found a bunch of "old days" pictures. Gonna pooooost 'em.
(sorry bout the quality of most of the pictures... they're kinda blurry.)
Megan, Me in about 10 or 11th grade.
Megan, Jess, Me in like 9th or 10th grade.
Jess, Me in like 8th grade. (again, sorry for the bluriness)
Now, I talk to Jessica on the very rare occassion on aim when she is in between classes... she went to Germany recently for a student exchange program and she sent me a postcard and it was signed "all the best, Jessica." Like we were total strangers or something. I don't know... its just weird that things have changed so much... I look back in my yearbooks and we all wrote together that we would be best friends forever and nothing will change that... but your priorities change as you get older and sometimes that kind of sucks, because you lose good friends and become acquaintences who you will just pass on the street someday after you have your own lives and not really remember the nights you used to spend talking about everything you wanted in life, and boys you had crushes on, and all the inside goofy high school inside jokes that no one would get if you told them about 'em today. I love those days.
sorry bout not resizing them... too lazy. :p
My friends Melissa and Jen and me before going out.
Me and my buddy Andy (ew I look so pale.)
Me and my friend April being nerds.
Melissa, Me
Kristen, Me.... I really miss that girl.
My friend Matt and me.... he is such a sweetheart. Miss him too. <3
last one.
My friend Pat, me, April
gosh thank god for lj-cut huh? :P
I think I need to go through and make random phone calls to people that I used to talk to on a daily basis and haven't spoke to in quite some time....
The weekend was good... Friday night, did nothing really... stayed home trying to get over being sick and on Saturday we went out to Brad's house for a roast thing... had a fire and lots of food... smoked alot of the dank ass green and ate waaaaaay too much. Sunday just sat around all day and did nothing. Chris stopped by in the evening time and I was in a great mood, and I asked him some question and he snapped my head off! For no reason... just cuz he had a bad day/weekend whatever he takes it out on me.... anyways he left and I didn't see him until this evening again and said he was just stoppin by for a bit... he hasn't stayed here in like 5 nights and I hate not having him by my side when I go to sleep, and the first person I see when I wake up in the morning.... he went out to the bar tonight, and I'm sure I won't see him until tomorrow night again... I miss us living together... seeing him everyday. Now I'm lucky if I see him once a day, and its not for very long either. I understand he has a hardworking job and is tired alot now, but I just wish he would make some time for me once in awhile.
Alright, enough of that entry for tonight. I am going to chat with my mom online a bit more and watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Love this movie. So cute. My new obsession is Kate Hudson. She is great.
Me and
night all. <3