Using the internet in class makes it go a lot faster...I just wish I were on a couch and not an uncomfy non ergonomically-sound desk. The desk is very high and my arms are extra high and i'm not comfy and it suck suck sucks. Also, my teacher fails to comprehend how to use a remote to switch slides on his presentation. That mixed with his Christmas tree pictures, for those of you that have seen those, make me think he's foolish and dumb. This makes me want to pay attention even less. For those of you who haven't seen the pictures, I think maybe this is a GREAT time for me to find them and post them.
Hold on, livejournal world!
Oh! We're learning about John Locke and something about Lockean Liberalism and something about how government shouldn't be modeled on the family. Someone find out how what this has to do with Lost and how great of a TV show it is.
Starbucks is delicious but I just choked on mine. Whoopsies!
Alright, almost ready with that tree picture.
Got it!
How fucking terrible is THAT?
Alright so um, I'm going to go now. Typing with my non ergonomically sound method of high deskism is tiring.