Ahhh..the noises of the computer lab

Nov 20, 2003 09:41

Well, I have some time on my hands, so I decided that I would write a post, since I have yet to in the past week or so. Much has happened, but I can't remember it all so it will be hard to really write the past happenings of my week...

I did get my evaluation from Kevin at work the other night, and I must say that I was very pleased with the outcome. I KICKED ASS! I got mostly "above averages" and one "outstanding." And the only thing that I apparently need to work on is attending inservices. I'm not saying that I'm the perfect staff, but I am regarded as a quality member of our team, and that makes me really happy, with myself and my job. So that was one high point of this week thus far.

I don't have to work tonight so I am going to take advantage of my day off and get some homework done, maybe go shopping, and go out with the gals. It is Lissa's birthday, but I don't know how I am really going to approach that situation. I haven't been over to the girls' house in about a month or so, and I really don't have much to say to them. It's not that we all aren't friends anymore...or maybe it is. I just don't see them, and the sad thing about it is that I really don't care that I don't see them? Is that bad? I think I'm better off not being around them though. I'm much happier now than I was a month and a half ago, and I think one of the big reasons is that I don't surround myself with them. But I do feel that I should make it a point to see Lissa on her 21st. Not that I can go to the bars with her or anything, but it is a big birthday, and I'm sure that she is pretty stoked for it to finally be here. All I know is that tonight me, Heather, and Chrissy are going to the TUGG show...and that is all there is to it!

Speaking of TUGG...I am excited to go so I can see all the cute hippies that reside in La Crosse. I swear that they all congregate at the cellar on Thursday nights for the live music. It will be nice to see some cute boys with shaggy hair dancing around to my favorite local La Crosse band. Yeah, TUGG is my reward to myself for a long hard week full of work and homework. I even managed to work out two nights this week so far.

On to more exciting things...boys. I have been thinking a lot lately about relationships...and my lack of. But I have begun to realize that I can't just sit around and think/wish/dream about this wonderful guy coming into my life. It takes up too much of my time sometimes, and I just need to block it out. There are so many more important things and I have to stop getting myself down because I'm not chased after. I'm happy with who I am though and know that I'm not going to change anything about myself in order to get guys TO notice me. Yep, so that's that.

Ummmm...I think I am done rambling on. I'm glad I took the time to post though because now I feel much better that I have said some things, instead of just thinking them all of the time.
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