Lookie here I'm actually making an entry, be amazed.. or something.
So i haven't really been writing my thoughts and idea down anywhere lately. They're kind of coming and going as they please with no place of permanence. Which is somewhat ok with me, most of my thoughts don't need to have such a place. But I guess I should show the few that do some love.
Life has been pretty stagnant lately.. well, for a while now really. Probably why I haven't written anything. My mind and my life has been this void of creativity and besides that things are just boring lately. Work, random uninteresting activity (internet, tv, music), drink (by myself usualy), sleep. That's all I ever really accomplish anymore. It wont get any better with winter rolling around either. Winter has always been my "down time" I guess you could say. The time where I limit myself to not going out much or doing anything besides staying in and trying to keep warm.
Making things worse is the fact that money seems to go out faster than it's coming in so I can't even really buy anything fun to keep myself entertained. I really need to find a way to reduce my bills or something. I hate not having money left over to buy anything. I should really start saving my money anyway.. but that's a convorsation for another day.
I'm gonna make a "shopping list" of things I want/need to get sometime. The only reason I'm doing this is because I always see things I should get then forget about them. So here we go:
1: Pay off my cell phone bill. (heh just went ahead and did this since I had the money for it)
2: Pay off my bike.
3: Chome Soma (
4: Get a laptop for said bag.
5: Finish building a computer for my parents.
The list will probably continue to grow as I find/remember more stuff I should get.
I guess I'm done? I dunno... I suck at thinking of stuff.