Nov 17, 2010 14:23
"When I was younger, and thought of myself- I never dreamed I'd become like this."
I'm kind of disappointed the high winds blew all the pretty bright red leaves off my tree in the backyard last night, before I got to take a decent picture.
I guess I'll get a good shot next year.
I don't really understand the point of raking leaves.
I mean, either way you have a lawn littered with a multitude of nature's own watercolors,
or when the frost comes you have a crunchy minefield of what once was. Love the sound they make beneath my feet.
I have faith she will be okay, I will be there tonight with the prayer shawl someone special knit for me and I think it will bring you all good luck.
I am not looking forward to the smell of a hospital, but I think maybe we'll just have to bring some things scented with good memories.
You have so many more memories to make, so hang in there, I'll see you when work is over.
It's times like these friends show their true colors and I hope you see mine, I am here whenever you need me, even when the frost has drained the ones once visible on the surface. Distance is not an issue, I'll always have your back.
"Cuz there were days, when our refrain, would brighten our corner of hickory lane, when you would sing that song for me- just like your favorite singer."