Aug 03, 2021 19:00
I have a job now where it makes me feel like all my other jobs have been like domestic abuse relationships, and now I am actually in a healthy relationship. The other day I had a weird moment of stress and dread and thought to myself: "Why is this familiar?" then I realised that at my previous job I felt like that every day, every minute. (I mean the s*****al ideations on the drive to work should have been a clue that that job wasn't good for me). It's amazing when you find a job like that, because you realise it should have been like that all along, just damaging capitalistic/patriarchal paradigms just enforce a culture of curtness, of stress, of constant one-up-manship and impractical productivity goals. It doesn't help anyone work better, it just makes certain people look better (through the figures, my last but one job was obsessed with telling us the figures as a motivational technique), regardless of what the lives of the workers on the lowest rung are like.