Thu, 14:27: RT @ thedanieb: #559 lives lost to police this year already. Do you realize there are only 365 days in a year? And this is only the beginnin…
Thu, 14:28: RT @ fart: having the personality type to want to be a cop should disqualify you from being a cop
Thu, 14:29: RT @ MattMcGorry: 1st off- we need to listen to black folks & other people of color about how to end racism. I shouldn't be anyone's primary…
Thu, 14:29: RT @ MattMcGorry: examine our own privilege in our daily life and how this filters into our thoughts and decisions in all areas of our lives…
Thu, 14:29: RT @ MattMcGorry: experiences & think about how we could've done things better and what we'll do better next time. Follow the brilliant POC…
Thu, 14:29: RT @ MattMcGorry: RT & people that they follow & RT. On social media, go beyond liking & favoriting- start reposting & RTing even if you're…
Thu, 14:30: RT @ MattMcGorry: friends, followers, & getting into disagreements. If you already do this, have more of these discussions in real life. Whe…
Thu, 14:30: RT @ MattMcGorry: privileged comments go unchecked, we put the burden on POC to have to call these out at later times. You might not be able…
Thu, 14:30: RT @ MattMcGorry: must remember that while we are worried about being uncomfortable, people are being killed by police and are affected by t…
Thu, 14:31: RT @ MattMcGorry: is needed. But systems of injustice need people in the streets to change. Confronting these things are going to be uncomfo…
Thu, 14:31: RT @ RahulKohli13: Make no mistake, this is racism in its purest form. If you're the kind of prick to use "All Lives Matter" tag, you're par…
Thu, 14:31: RT @ RahulKohli13: Black people being murdered for the colour of their skin isn't just in your history books, it's live on your Facebook fee…
Thu, 14:31: RT @ jordansdiamonds: When a black man is murdered, the media shows us his mugshot. When whites kill, we're shown their Instagram selfies. h…
Thu, 14:31: RT @ MattMcGorry: And then we need to push other white people to educate themselves & take action. Remember to put effort into those who WAN…
Thu, 14:32: RT @ MattMcGorry: we benefit from. We are going to fuck up & misstep & look back at things we could've done better, but that can't prevent u…
Thu, 14:32: RT @ MattMcGorry: not just trolls. And again. ALL these things have been said by POC for much longer & in much better ways than I am capable…
Thu, 14:32: RT @ RE_invent_ED: A- always center the impacted L- listen & learn from those who live in the oppression L- leverage your privilege Y-yie…
Thu, 14:42: RT @ TrustedT9ns: 6 reasons why you should ask to start using CAT Tools, today!: Not all translators are accustomed to using CAT... https://…
Thu, 14:42: RT @ thedanieb: I wish the MEDIA would stop posting senseless info this week and focus on important issues. This country needs HELP. #559?
Thu, 14:44: RT @ RahulKohli13: Know somebody close to you that thinks police brutality is a myth? Show them evidence! Educate your friends, family etc.…
Thu, 14:44: RT @ RahulKohli13: Brexit, Trump, feminism, atheism & police has got me racist replies & tweets from dickheads. Luckily I didn't mention I w…
Thu, 14:45: RT @ drmistercody: It is appalling that these videos have sparked a debate. What is there to discuss? Which murder was more of a murder?
Thu, 14:45: RT @ SWAIM_CORP: .@ drmistercody I've always tried not to be too publicly political for fear of alienating fans, but I think I'm over it. #Bl…
Thu, 15:29: RT @ SWAIM_CORP: Got home from Purge: Election Year to see the #PhilandoCastile video. Felt like the movie came to life. So fucked. https://…
Thu, 15:30: RT @ leslieodomjr: "What's going on?" Hundreds of years. In America. This has been happening for HUNDREDS of years. Cell phones just make it…
Thu, 15:31: RT @ leslieodomjr: The inhumanity is RIFE. There are hard conversations coming. Healing is on the other side of some very difficult conver…