Jun 02, 2016 09:04
- Wed, 14:43: RT @ HPPlayLDN: Harry, Albus and Ginny Potter from #HarryPotterPlay #CursedChild. 1st public preview in one week's time! https://t.co/0JyvEq…
- Wed, 14:44: RT @ Lin_Manuel: My writing/child carrying/tweeting/signing/left arm is signaling its displeasure via many tendons.
- Wed, 14:44: RT @ Lin_Manuel: Dictating tweets from here on out. Don't make fun of my syntax. How do I do a gif
- Wed, 14:44: RT @ Lin_Manuel: Now my wife can hear every dumb tweet I tweeted out loud. This is going to get worse before it gets better. TUESDAY!
- Wed, 14:46: RT @ RafaelCasal: "You look like if george Clinton and Hobbes had a lovechild. You're hobbes clinton." #hobbesclinton #hobbfayette https://t…
- Thu, 06:22: RT @ TheAVClub: ICYMI: No, really, Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood are entirely different people https://t.co/2FnucuKaZi https://t.co/ZG8CI…
- Thu, 06:24: RT @ michaelsheen: First training session. Hope Ronaldinho's not too intimidated having his shirt hung up next to mine. https://t.co/qGg8aod…
- Thu, 06:24: RT @ ThatsHistory: This was how the Taj Mahal was protected from bombers in 1942 during World War II https://t.co/0vREha48Ad
- Thu, 06:27: RT @ Lin_Manuel: Good morning. It's hard to leave home sometimes. Make today count. https://t.co/LTK3yZYmX5
- Thu, 06:28: RT @ DaveedDiggs: Bruh. Yes. What? https://t.co/yBHOOs7Rze