Sep 20, 2004 22:29
So I guess, considering how painfully numbing today way, I'm getting back into everything. My Mom and I aren't too mad at each other anymore. It was interesting, becuase I talked to her last night before bed and started breaking down but when she started talking I hardened up. She was mad at me too and I was being so self-centered I hadn't even noticed. But I still kinda teared a bit, which is unlike me, because for the most part, I only cry when I'm alone. But that wasn't crying, really. Mostly tearing. I don't wanna be a wuss in public. THat's what Dad taught me. COME ON! BE A MAN! Well, I'm not a man, but I do try to be tough like he raised me to be.
Anyways, so things have been really screwy rrecently and today wasn't much better considering all the make-up work, my locker is broken AGAIN (I come in this morning with 50 tons of books and binders only to find the turny-thing on my locker COMPLETELY GONE and Matt and Aaron are laughing at me, but Aaron let me use his locker so it's alright for now- I luv my brother!!) I poked myself in the corner of my eye with my black pen, leaving a huge mark, my physics teacher was looking at my chest and Jen's chest again (I wore the same shirt as last time), I totally screwed up my audition (I'll get to that in a sec), Mrs. Kelsch decided to give everyone bad grades, Mr. Mariani wasn't there today, I sat by a guy on the bus with a sandwhich that made me sick to smell it, and on the way home behing someone I'm not fond of.
Audition: I shoulda practiced more. COnsidering how my life has been so weird lately, I'm just glad I didn't fall over on the ground as soon as I got in front of Mirabal. I don't think he would have thought that was dramatic. But he said I had more experince with music and dance than he had thought and he laughed at me saying "ass" with a New York accent in Shakespeare but it made me forget my lines, break character, and lose my accent for awhile. Basically the same I did auditioning for Crucibal, but not AS bad. That's two not-so-great auditions in one week. I had very little idea of what I was doing for Revenge, although I had planned it out. But when I got up there, Mirabal said he wanted me to read more than just "Mourner #12" or "Seeker of Revenge #1" which is what I wanted. But oh well, I'm a Jew and I had heard the monologue before from Merchant of Venice so I did that one instead. I'm not sure about that one. It's weird cuz I wanna do so much better being with the theatre IV'ers but I've been sucking so heavily lately. Oh well, I got time. Turned in my designer form today, even though I'm expecting diddly squat, but RAW said I should start turning the forms in just to let Mirabal know I was thinking about it once I had more experience. Sure.
Good things lately: MASADA KICKOFF ROCKED!!! SO many great new girls and I had a wonderful time with them! Such great programs, too! Props to Sara!! Didn't stay up for Good and Welfare, but I needed the sleep. I know better, now. Next time, maybe. OTher good things: Wrote a cool peice for Advanced Comp I'm proud of, got a little math figured out, etc.
haha my friends are weird "why don't you come and ask me out already, you fathead!" so funny!