:p!! "i MiSSED Y0U M0M!"; THANKS DAD F0R THE PLAN!: sOoOoo.. yeah. i woke up SORE!!! x.X!! it wasn't thaaaat bad but, still sore nonetheless. that gym class yesterday did me some good pain! HAHA! :D i'm prrroud of my pain! ...x_x;; anyway, yeah i got out of bed and did all that morning stuff. ate and watched TV with tammy. watched parts of this DVD she got, LOL.
aaand then hopped on the computer.. had a BIG urge to go shopping!!! what ran through my head? "i know!!! ..i'll ask mommie for $$!!" lmao, and she barely came back from vietnam yesterday! >D!!!! *evil* aaand yeeeah! went to go look for her.. she was on the phone in the backyard. and i was standing in the living room for awhile. my dad was standing around too. :p!! he looked at me suspiciously and said "what..? you want to drive huh?!" lmao!!! so he DOES know that it IS one of the things i wanna do. >D but NOT THIS TIME! i replied with "NO! ..i'm waiting for her to get off the phone so i can ask her for MONEY!!" and my dad was like "oOoooo.." and laughed a bit. LOL. and then i go back into my room. and later my dad comes in and he's like "i owe her this money. so i go give it to her. and you can ask for it!" lmao!!! THAT'S WICKEDLY COOL!! >8D!!!
sOoOOoo ammy and i follow my dad to the living room. O_O!! my mom migrated from the backyard to the couch! lol! aaand we all just sit down and my dad hands the money to her. and she was like ..why are YOU GUYS (ammy and me) sitting here.. o_O" and i said "i.. missed you! :)" LOL! and ammy said "we missed your money." lolol!! and then my mommie's friend came over. they talked for a bit. and then my dad said to my mom "why don't you just give them their money so they can go play?!" >D!!! and she was all "..go get my purse in my room!" and i said "YES!!!" and jumped up and ran off to get her purse. lolol. sOoOOoo she gave ammy, tammy and me a 'grand' total off $100 to go play. LOL! :D!!! got ready and JAMMED real fast!
SH0PPiNG AT THE MALL: went to the mall because tammy wanted to go see the 'hello kitty store' LOL. aaand yeah. shopped around! ammy got quite a few new shirts. tammy got ONE shirt. i got two CHEAP shirts! :D 'cause cheap is cool, right linh?! haha! :]!!! actually, we all didnt buy anything overpriced! 8D wheeee. i also got stuffs for kr's birthday. i got this super cute eeyore in multiple pastel colors! *^^* and this little brown bear with a velcro heart that says "THOMAS" on it! aww, it's soOoooo cute! :D!! we like the name thomas! lmao! it's a BAD ASS name. buuut it's like.. i get corny ass presents for him! :/!! he's a boy with a bunch of toys; much thanks to ME! x.x!!! oh well!!! :] i think it's cool haha! i wanna get him a pink flannel but can't find nice ones. he's been wanting one for a long time and can't find one either~
oh yeah, i just so happened to start my period today while we were at the mall! it's funny how a girl just.. knows! o_O!!! lmao! i had to ask ammy for a "period plugger" and went over to the restroom. tammy had to go pee anyway! haha!
tammy spent the LEAST (she had $25 leftover)! i had $6 leftover! i think ammy was GONE. lol! i think she spent all of her $33. >D!!! IT WAS FUN.
AN0THER DAY AT THE GYM!: we arrived back home at like 3:51 or something. (YES, i do look at the time frames so i can write it in here! HAHA!) and rushed in the house to get ready. got into my gym clothes (t-shirt; MY SPANDEX lmao; socks). PUT ON DEODERANT! ammy filled up my deery lou water bottle for me! and then we couldn't find ammy's purse! ..it happened to be in my room with our bags from shopping! x.x!! then i forget to grab my water bottle?! yah ,we were running around the house lol! what a workout before going to the gym! LOL. and we went our way to the gym!
there was like.. NO PARKING. o_o!! we drove around looking for one.. but none! so ammy had to parallel park! then we ran to the class area. grabbed the materials we needed and we got started like.. right away!
did our warm-ups.. DUDE. i was sore still so i was thinking like "how about we only do a little bit of stuff today?!" hahaha, me and my FAT ASS. :x!!! but nah, i still kept up and endured the pain from my sore spots! :)!!!!! yay i'm proud of myself. and yeah. we did some crunches and all that fabulous ab workouts! T0DAY WE G0T T0 D0 STEPS!! it was so freakin EXCELLENT!! 8D!! like at first i was like "wait.. okay what? TRAVEL?! to where?!" hahaha! i didn't get the language instructor debbie was using! x.x!! it was my first time after all :p!! but i got the hang of it! DUDE, that stuff is so fun!!!! everyone was like.. UNIFIED!! and there were more people today than the other two classes i went to. there were even TWO MEN! lol!!! so cOoL!! this one man was all into it! he even had heavier weights than anyone else :x!!! it was BAD ASS. this instructor lady debbie is SUPER!! :]!! she's a homie! lol!! the step workout was fun, but it got sOooOOo tiring!!!
like i took a water break.. then i had to throw my weights down because i couln't hold them anymore LOL. then as i was stepping down from the step box, i stepped on the weight, it rolled, and i fell on my ass. LMAO!!! i'm a clumsy ass mother freaker >D!!!! it was HILARIOUS!! i was laughing and this other mexican lady beside me. it was kinda' cool! :x!! i just got up and went back to the workout. 8D!!! LOL! aaaand soon enough it's obvious we were coming to an end of the class because we were doing our cool downs! :) it always ends with the cool breathing! lol! SO MUCH FUN, even if there's healthy pain involved! :]!!!! class was over at 5:25!!
i NEED S0ME AFTER-W0RK0UT DRiNK!: after we left the gym.. i was debating whether i wanted COFFEE BEAN.. or JAMBA JUICE. two of my favorite drink places!!! *_*!!!!! ammy said jamba juice seemed "MORE BETTER" because we just worked out! so we went over there.. and ordered! i got my usual drink! :x that ORANGE DiViNE :9!!! i added some energy boost in it, lol! AND I GOT THE POWER-SIZED ONE! lolol!! MY VERY FIRST POWER-SIZED JAMBA *lime it up with fiber boost. and lalala.. ZEEK made our smoothies and we left! 8D (soooo crazy 'cause zeek works at the gym we go to! lol!! and he was the one who made our drinks for us :x)
[ 9:26PM - I FINISHED MY VERY FIRST POWER-SIZED JAMBA JUICE!!! yayayayayayy!!!! :D!!! i did a lot of peeing THANKS to that! lmao. ]
H0W AB0UT S0ME.. CANDY T00?!: ammy and i stopped by this little mexican liquor store thing and got some mexican candy!!! :9!!!! mMmm, PiC0 PiC0!!!!!!!! ^-^!! and some kind of other watermelon candy lol. and we went home! :x!!!
H0ME-MADE F00D!!!!: aaaah, the moment i've been waiting for!!!!! O_O!!!! mommie made some pho-like soup!!! *_* it was garsh-deng delicious! :9!!! i missed her food A LOT!!! yum yum yummm <33333
and here i am at the computer. :) that was my day. lol!!
here are today's pictures!:
couysin kim made me this present :] wheee!!!!!!! <3
and here's my jamba juice cup! :x!!! just so you know the size if you never had one of these n.n;; it took me quite awhile to finish it, but I DID!!! :D i'm growing into a big girl. lol! wheee for jamba juice~