Today I am feeling creative.... So picture time now shall we??! Don't expect this to be behind a LJ cut, if you don't like it... guess what?! Deal......
Yesterday, I went to the store and brought these pretty flowers.. I think it brings happiness into a home for some reason... The apartment feels so positive.. Making a promise to always have flowers.....
This one by far has to be my favorite.. Okay, it might have a BIG thing to do with it being pink and all.. But still it's my flower and I have every right to have favoritism!!! heh
Let's see what else happened today..... Oh yes, something crawled up my ass and I went and got a tattoo.. Hopefully, you can tell that it's a devil Hello Kitty, the angel hello kitty has to be done in 2 weeks, something about my immune system fighting off one tattoo... blah nonsense.
Yup, it was a pretty good day...... Hope everyone is well and having sex....
"That's all I have to say about that........."