Oct 25, 2012 21:40
Oh me, you're such a kidder.
It's really a miracle that I get around to updating once a week. Just what was I thinking?
Regarding the still nameless fic, I've got good news and bad news. First, the bad: still working on breaking through that initial block that always, always sits around during the first few paragraphs whenever I start a new project. This one is being particularly obstinate much to my dismay. But, the good news is, I've been able to map out a few wonderful scenes to use at a later date. I just have to figure where each of them will fit the grand scheme of things. Still, huzzah for framework! \o/
Still not sure if I should stick with one main POV the entire stretch of the fic, or alternate between two main ones. The first chapter will probably set the ground work once I tear down that block. Here goes nothing!
- C. Scribbles
fandom: kuroko no basuke,
writing: progress