Hallo! I was just wondering how you wanted to handle the Princess of Heart thing with Alice. If you have an AIM or want to do it here I'm fine with either!
I never just want to assume she's an actual Princess of Heart in KH so I just want to see if you want her to ACTUALLY be a PoH or just "she looks like Princess Alice." I'm fine with it being done either way.
Well I'll definitely keep you posted on what they say. If it comes down to my decision I usually run with that she is since she's still Alice and it's still Wonderland, Sora just didn't get there yet kind of situation. But like I said, I never want to just assume Alice is a Princess of Heart cause it isn't my call to make and I don't want to tread on any toes with it.
well that makes sense I suppose. >damn you logic! why must you constantly foil me?< just out of curiosity, why are you asking? do you have anything in particular in mind?
Well I usually ask whenever Alice starts interacting with a KH cast in a game so it's not constantly up in the air for everyone. And I don't have anything in mind currently but you never know what happens in the future you know? Plus Alice poked Riku and they started talking about the PoHs which only solidified that I should probably see how you guys want to play it.
what where you thinking of? About the Princess of heart thing I mean.
secondly, I kinda assumed that she wasn't. since she wasn't the Alice from KH I assumed that meant she wasn't the PoH from KH either.
have you asked the other KH cast members? >like sora and kairi?<
well let me know what the others say will you? I'm curious to know. ^^
well...if the majority think that she should be then go for it. your logic is making me second guess myself so...yea. >.> stupid logic
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