Umm... I kinda noticed that you three (you, Roxas, Zoro) have a log in the dojo. The problem with being, well, Elizabeth lives there. And she's not going to be happy to return home and find people in her home. And she's a capable fighter and is likely to attack anyone she finds invading her home, and can canonically kill and decapitate highly-trained ninjas blindfolded. So, I think we have a problem.
O.o uh yea. problem. Well, namine is there as a spectator so its really up to Zoro and Roxas what happens I don't care. >except that I would really like Namine not to die. ^^;;<'s up to them but if you could let me know what the outcome is that would be great.
Of course, I'll keep you informed. Waiting for response from the other two to figure out what to do.
[and as soon as I figure out a dream for Minako, I will put up something for Luc and Namine, since I *cough* forgot to put it up... Backdated to just after his dream?]
[and as soon as I figure out a dream for Minako, I will put up something for Luc and Namine, since I *cough* forgot to put it up... Backdated to just after his dream?]
let me know when it's up.
and I'm amused that Minako is getting Namine a present. XDD
Oh, and we got everything worked out for the log, so all is good.
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